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04:03 - 23.06.07
I wasn't surfing youtube, but I'm still really late with this post dear diary. I needed to find out how to do some html coding - I don't want my diary to be searchable. Someone or something keeps breaching the coding that diaryland provides for that purpose, so I've tried something else. Last time I tried to block those engines I was blocked from accessing my index. I don't know if that is part of the blocking codes effect, but it doesn't make sense to block the content creator - me - does it?

The day was dissonant all throughout. My youngest was scheduled in to work, but wasn't feeling well. When he called in he was told they were even more short staffed than usual. He said he would be in once he could hold food down. I usually plan my day to unfold after he has gone to work, leaving me free to deal with last minute details he might have. You know, like sewing on a button or hemming up pants. When one is dependent on city busses and trains, even a few minutes can set one back half an hour or more depending on the day of the week as well as the time of the day. Since most employers treasure punctuality over all other traits - even when one is putting in considerably more that standard work hours - it is an important part of planning to build in that extra time.

I had planned to get out and trim the hedges early on because the weather forecast was for more very hot weather. I don't function well in either heat or direct sunlight. Trying to use electric clippers for the first time isn't the time I want to be feeling distracted by any external activity, including such things as sweat running down my face. I also wanted to be able to do the work when the neighbour's children were in school and when their vehicles were out of their driveway that runs alongside of the hedge on their side. That way I would be certain not to inflict any damage on human, sentient beings or material possessions. The children are still quite young and not all that good at following instructions. Normal behaviour, but not with an untested power tool operating in my hands, thank you very much. The short of it was I didn't get the trimming done today. My youngest had bought a new blender though so I played with that instead.

The phone rang not long after my youngest took himself back to his room. A woman on the other end of the line said her boss had asked her to ask me if I would come in to discuss working for their company. It wasn't an organization to which I had sent a resume. I don't like the industry simply because I think it exploits peoples' fears and lack of knowledge to make a profit - a very big profit at that. I wouldn't be able to live with my conscience for very long. I just politely told the young woman that I wasn't interested in that type of work and said good-bye. From the tentative tone of her voice it sounded as though she had had a lot of negative responses prior to mine and not all of them were said with kindness. She was just doing what she was hired to do so it wasn't necessary to be forceful with her. That said there have been a lot of exercises in setting my personal boundaries the past few months. I have had to be a lot more forceful in stating where the line is with some people because they just won't accept no or don't seem to understand that I mean what I say. With people like that I will usually not continue a relationship with them because I don't like feeling bullied. Too bad because a lot of those people have a lot of other really great qualities, but for me lack of respect for another is almost as bad as a lack of trust. Neither is acceptable in my relationships.

There were several other calls similar in nature from various organizations and individuals. Pushing the limits and testing the boundaries that is. I was almost at the point of just saying no as soon as I picked up the phone. Crabby. Must have been the heat. My youngest left around noon after a light lunch. The cats and I settled down to some personal research and more resume management. I had archived some postings either because I wasn't certain I wanted to commit to the work for the long term or because a considerable amount of work was required before one could submit one's details. Not exactly a productive day but I guess we all have times like that.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Good night dear diary.

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