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21:36 - 13.11.06
Not a lot to say today. I had booked an appointment with my chiropractor for this morning. I'd washed my hair the night before and then sat at the computer until very late worrying about money - or lack thereof. It's owed not paid and no amount of fussing is going to do me any good. It's that rocking chair image - soothing maybe but no movement is really achieved. Woke up this moring feeling exhausted and feverish from the chill as a result. Maybe having a treatment would have helped, but I didn't want to risk a ride with a bunch of fellow traveller's with a variety of winter illnesses that might have made me worse rather than otherwise. Given my distress from the prior evening, going into the downtown core with it's Christmas decorations and signs of excess everywhere would have been too depressing and tempting at the same time. I called their office to let them know I wouldn't be able to make it and didn't rebook either. Just edgy and cranky I guess.

Late in the afternoon my youngest and I did our banking and then went for groceries. My daughter-in-law had paid me for the month so I wanted to get that cash in the bank befoe it got whittled away with small indulgences. Met one of the women that I had volunteered with for years through our community association. Like a lot of her fellow volunteers she ended up working as a school support staff. Special needs - especially physically handicapped children are her specialization. She's had a rough go of it through most of her life. She used to chat with the police on their rounds at 3 in the am while she was sitting in one of the community parks waiting for her ex to fall into a drunken stupor so she could be safe in her home. Their marriage broke up about 20 years ago but she's never really recuperated physically, emotionally or financially from that abuse. She said she had a breakdown this summer when a roommate turned out to be about as bad as her ex. Just sad. All she's ever done is try to help build the community with the rest of the mom volunteers and help those who were physically more vulnerable than she was. It would be nice just to see her get a break once or twice. We caught up on grandchildren stories - she has four too - and chatted about our work lives a bit. I had been wondering how she was doing since I haven't seen her in a couple of years. She's living with a group of young adults she helped work their way through school many years ago right now. I guess that would be a reward in some ways - watching them succeed now partly because of her investment of herself in them.

Anyway I guess I'd better make an early night of it tonight so that I can try and catch that elusive connector bus in the morning. Good night dear diary.

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