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09:56 - 27.10.06
Stop that
Often, when I find a new website that piques my interest, I'll subscribe to their newsletter if they have one and if it is free. Often at the same time, I will subscribe to similar newsletters from opposing points of view or at least ones that have a different perspective, based on things like geography or social structures to ensure a balance is maintained. Needless to say my inbox gets pretty full somedays. The upside is that I am learning on a variety of fronts every day. The downside is the amount of reading required to get through all that information. Not that I mind reading of course, it's just that I should be doing other things like exercising, don't you know. Balance in all things, Grasshopper.

The way I deal with the excess is to cull some newsletters to my spam box every so often. The reason is usually I find there isn't enough substance for the amount of time it takes to dig through a posting, too much invasive advertising or articles that are too extreme even for my tastes. I'm quite good at creating my own paranoia - no additional assistance is required. I also prefer newsletters that offer solutions to problems, rather than just being bitch sessions. That is also something I can do without much help. You might have noticed that with my last couple of posts. That's also the reason I haven't posted the past couple of days - break that bad pattern of negativity you see. I also ditched the one newletter that was part of the reason I was so cranky. Completely unsubscribed.

As you have probably noticed the one area where I am really vulnerable is with respect to finances. There just hasn't been enough payment of what I have earned. I often sign up for different astrology newsletters if I think they might expand my knowledge of interpretive techniques or focus on particular aspects with which I am less familiar. One of the ones I had signed up for a couple of months ago was from a regular newspaper chain that featured a fairly well known astrologer. The first month was fine, but the past two weeks every reference to my birth and rising signs has been littered with dire predictions of disaster. Major disasters. Even with the other astrology sites I visit mostly contradicting that one site, it started to really eat away at my sense of safety and balance. Silly I know, but the predictions were very close to one other astrologer who used to send out personalized notes predicting dire consequences if one didn't purchase their anti-hex charms or their most recent numerology analysis that might save one from certain death and disaster. At least those ones I could laugh off because they were so blatant. It took a year to fully remove that mailer from my list. They would not cease their spamming until I sent back a response that used reference to legal means and cited some of the areas where they were vulnerable. My own form of disaster predictions if you wish. The problem with this latest astrologer is that they are well known and supported by a very large newspaper conglomerate. Maybe that newspaper chain doesn't know what this person - or astrology mill - sends out using their name to validate and add credibility to their missives.

The language in the scopes for my signs was so negative and threatening, that I was beginning to find myself in a downward spiral, even though the other astrology sites that I check regularly had nothing like those prognostications. There was, of course, a variety of comments, but there was a balance of positive and negative views that fit each with the other, moderated by the lens of each particular astrologer's values and experiences. Besides that, I have finished all my assignments and I think my work was very good too. To read garbage such as "the authorities in your life - such as employers - are going to come after you to punish your missteps." and "You can't avoid being caught for your indiscretions or dishonesty." Coupled with dire predictions about major financial catastrophes and bankruptcy - using precisely those words - was finally just too much to read. Since all I've done the past few months is keep my nose to the grindstone, visit family or sleep I don't have any reason to have a guilty conscience. But then one begins to wonder if maybe there's something one has missed. Yes I know I should know better, especially since I am very capable of preparing my own chart, but again the two areas of my life mentioned are the ones where I feel most vulnerable because of past experience with Elections Canada. All those fears that have been held back as I try to see something positive in the changes that have been occurring were let out of their cage with a vengeance all at once as a result of two weeks of only really threatening predictions on that one site's part. What made it worse was the fact that all the other sun sign predictions were all about the best of all things happening in other people's life. It was as though the astrologer or group who use that astrologer's name as a front, had a dispute with a person with my sun sign and decided that they would attack their foe somewhat like political candidates do in the heat of an election. Misrepresentations and inferences that have no basis in fact, but which would be difficult to prove otherwise in a public forum. That old question aimed at someone on a witness stand "so when did you stop beating your wife, Mr. Jones" says the prosecutor who knows full well that Mr. Jones had never hurt his spouse, let alone beat her. To the listeners though it seems as though the only question is when and whether he ceased his abuse. Anyway I feel much better now that I've unsubscribed to that publication and focussed on real issues instead.

So dear diary the next posts to you should be a little more positive anyway now that I've got my head back in a better space.

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