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00:31 - 29.10.06
Change up
I've spent the past couple of days trying to finish off that last bit of work for my pre-election assignment. It is like pulling teeth or popping out wisdom teeth, if you must. I've had three impacted wisdom teeth that have been trying to push their way out of the gums for nearly a decade. One has been stuck halfway for at least five years. One finally completed it's journey sometime during this assignment while I wasn't looking, and the other is pressed up against a nerve buried deep against my cheekbone - sulking. I know wherefore I speak in otherwords. One would think that getting all the paperwork to get people paid would be an incentive for them to be proactive, but it just isn't coming together. Truthfully I just finished up my invoices today and I had to use the incentive of allowing myself to listen to the links to youtube music embedded in your electrons on each page I've had to check to verify what work I was doing on any given day. That is part of the picture, but there are also several email folders and some other records I have to reconcile to get the entire picture of what I have done. I try to make certain that I have some form of physical proof for every entry I include in the timesheets.

The upside of the work was that I got to review a lot of what happened in August and September. A lot of issues in the first three weeks of August seem to be coming up for resolution now, either in my personal life or on the global scene. Given that Mr Mercury turned retrograde today the timing is nearly perfect. For example, I received a letter yesterday from headquarters acknowledging the one package of information I sent them on August 10. They said they'd get back to me. Maybe in 2007 is my guess. All along, as I was reading, there were these little "pings" as things showed they were on their way to resolution. Sometimes we are so immersed in the moment that it really helps to see that some progress has been made. The Mercury retrograde showed itself up in the usual ways too, of course. The cell phone was out of juice when I checked it before leaving to pick up groceries today, for example. I saved one spreadsheet I was working with, only to find it had disappeared when I tried to locate it again. Normally I'm very careful about backing up my files, but this was in the creation state. I ended up overwriting a previous spreadsheet and had quite a panic over it. Then I recalled seeing a copy of that overwritten document in another folder where I had unintentionally saved it during a previous work session. I could claim prescience I suppose, but right now I'll accept it as a really excellent mistake. We all need our fair share of those, don't we.

Number four son and his wife dropped in for a visit on Thursday with that little package that scares the cats - the b-a-b-y. He was fussed because his tummy was upset, meaning he roared when he wasn't being walked or nursed. The cats didn't know whether it was better for their mom - me - to be cuddling that enemy to keep it quiet or whether they preferred the noise that was emitted when I stopped and handed him over to his parents. Two more of them came up gingerly to sniff the offending object, but it was obviously their preference to hide under something that ensured their safety for the time being. I don't think they realize that when that little baby stops roaring it will be because he has learned how to get around under his own steam. Lucky thing cats can run faster than babies, eh?

Number one son called a couple of times in between jobs to ask me to check on different options for his oldest son's seventh birthday party. It looks like one of the children's restaurants or the big pool with the water slide are the final contenders. Of all my four grandbabies, the only one that wasn't born on the 30th of a particular month was the one who was delivered by cesaerean section. Makes it easy to remember the dates though.

Number two son called today to ask if I could pinch-hit as a babysitter for the next little while. My daughter-in-law doesn't finish maternity leave until February, but she was offered a new job that she didn't feel she could turn down. They had found child care for February on, but that center can't open up a space for my granddaughter any earlier than next year. Somehow it seems fated, in that I've just mostly completed the very labour intensive assignment from Ottawa. They sent us a memo saying that the next assignment will be in February - unless an election is called of course. I need to be more active now, but with cold weather making it's appearance I doubt I would find the motivation to go out unless I had a regular commitment to a task. This fits just right and I love babies. At seven months, my granddaughter is the perfect age to read and sing to, as well as start teaching things like making cookies. I might even take my yoga tapes and bellydance/bhangra tapes over so we can exercise together. Or I can exercise and she can laugh. That's what my guys used to do as I recall it.

Anyway time for a nap now since I need to get a few things in order tomorrow so I can start my new assignment on Monday.

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