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00:50 - 15.08.06
I spent a lot of time today researching some ideas I got when I read this article on weight control. Obviously what is already offered out there doesn't work, for the most part, for the majority of people. I refuse to believe that that many North Americans are just plain lazy or uneducated. That is the myth that makes marketers so happy and overweight people so vulnerable to the shame vultures.

This research made more sense to me so I followed the yellow brick road to see where it led. It seems to me that there is a cluster of chronic disorders that all seem to have similar origins although different manifestations based on the weakest part of one's immune system. Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis, asthma, all disorders that have a endocrine-based histamine/cortisol/fat derangement or imbalance. When I worked in the rehab department of our hospital, patients with electrical burns would experience different pathways that the same energy - electricity - took. The doctors said it was because electricity followed the path of least resistance - or translated into human terms - the weakest part of each person's physical structure. So some would be treated for damage to the digestive tract, while others were treated for damage to nerves or part of the circulatory system. Some would experience the greatest damage to their respiratory organs. Depended on the person and where they were most vulnerable. Traditional Chinese medicine says similar things based on lines of chi (energy) that inform the body. The derangement or misalignment of those lines of chi will determine how the damage manifests. Hmmm.

Along the same lines of bait and switch was what my sons and I witnessed yesterday and today. When my youngest and I were walking home from the movie yesterday, we finally got past the detours and ended up walking down the main avenue into our community. At the corner where we turned on to it, we nearly were run over by a police supervisor's van. It was heading south as we crossed the east-west crosswalk, but burned a u-turn just behind us when we crossed to go north. All lights flashing but no sirens. Means they don't want the bad guys to hear them coming. By the time we reached the next crosswalk - the one across the highway - a second supervisor's van, three patrol cars, and a paddy wagon had passed us all heading in the same direction. As we crossed that intersection an ambulance joined the team. Heading west they were into the community by our grocery store. Tonight when my oldest son was heading home on the train, they were forced to sit and wait one station back because of all the police cars blocking off the tracks ahead. It was after 1 in the am when he was finally able to get to that last station safely. No busses at that time of day. The rapist who was causing stress in the community has allegedly been apprehended, but the police presence has, if anything, increased since then. No information in any news source as to why nor any other attempts to explain why there are so many around still. I guess that makes me feel safe, but it is unnerving to not know what I am being protected from - if you see what I mean.

This article sort of addresses the same theme only with a middle eastern twist. Have to give that one more thought but there are definitely some kernels of information that are important to consider when trying to dig through all the propaganda being played out in mainstream messengers. In war the first casualty is truth. It is important that every citizen question what is being said to us. Sometimes it is what isn't being discussed that is the most crucial information that one needs.

The last article I read left me a bit breathless. Banning knives as weapons I can understand, but swords? For heavens sake what happened to that nice, quaint, well-behaved country my grandmother left a century ago. Maybe it never was all those things, maybe my grandmother never knew about the rougher side of her homeland. Hold up there laddies. That wind up your kilts is making you crazy. Right? Anyway, I think I've given myself a headache. Time for a nap. Good night dear diary.

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