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23:10 - 05.05.06
cha - the tea ceremony and me
I spent a good deal of time talking with a new liaison in Ottawa. Apparently they are assigning staff to us on a regional basis again. I actually liked that system a lot when it was used earlier. I had excellent work partners then who were very knowledgable about their disciplines, as well as the local conditions with which we are required to contend. This woman was helping me with the two new steps for the lease of the Returning Office. Having only one person involved works much more efficiently than half a dozen all providing different verbal direction with no acountability built in. After working with her I called the landlord and left a voicemail explaining what I had learned. Talked with him about two hours later and found his receptivity much higher than before. Of course the question of "when" is key. I think he was hoping I had some inside track on that. As I've noted before, dear diary, sometimes I only hear it when the rest of Canadians do - through the media. The push seems to be because of all the problems that were encountered last election with respect to the installation of telephone lines. If you recall, there was speculation that the on-going labour disputes in the telephone industry were making our offices targets for subtle forms - or not so subtle at that - of sabotage. Some offices didn't have any access for several weeks. Difficult all around.

My oldest son came by with his two children tonight. They shared supper with us then my oldest worked on the computer while my youngest played computer games with the grandbabies to their hearts content. All is not well in the marriage. That number one rule is very difficult to respect - bite your tongue, woman! Short term pain - long term gain. Right? My greatest concern is the welfare of the little ones. As long as they are happy, then I guess the adults will just have to work things out between them. When I went out with my sister on Monday we saw a hawk with a grass snake in it's talons. We were speculating on the message it might have for us. I posited that it might mean some hidden problem was brought to light but was caught in time so that no harm could be done. I'm sticking with that theory now. Well it makes as much sense as anything else, so why not.

Another downer was from one of my friends living in this community. She has a neighbour similar to mine - the bad ones. She emailed to let me know that she has put her home up for sale because she just can't take any more of the behaviour. It makes staying in place all that much harder, but I really don't think I have any other options. I am trying very hard to look at the long term and find a way to be content where I am. I must admit to a struggle. However, if I want to be able to survive financially regardless of what unexpected challenges happen - such as this sickness that is still hanging on - then I must learn how to make lemonade from lemons. Just a bit of sugar and water. The one positive bit of news was that my trainer's union group was able to work out a contract with the school board that actually looks pretty fair. She had said she was planning to spend her strike time working in her beautiful garden and she offered to help me with my newly fenced yard as well - starting that meditation garden I had written about a couple of weeks ago. However, work stability is important too. Anyway, grandbabies wear me out just watching them, so I think I'l just try some meditation and then go to bed. God night dear diary.

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