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00:06 - 12.10.05
holy mackeral
The easy part of today was getting to work, dear diary. Tried to login to my in office compuuter. No problem until I opened my email. All sorts of error messages were sitting on the server. It seemed that someone had tried to save some material from one of my drives to a floppy disk. Took several screenshots. Now I had checked my email the evening before ( I think) and there was no problem. I deleted a lot of messages I didn`t need, dealt with those I did and was out fairly quickly. Called the tech who had set us up in the warehouse and left a voicemail. I had to call him with further problems about half an hour later when I lost the remote connection to my in office computer. Woe is me. He answered his phone but let me know he was working in the US as we spoke - in a warm climate. He gave me the number of one of the other techs to try. Left a voicemail for her and continued indexing the boxes I started last week. She called about an hour after that - three hours of productive time lost with respect to computer related tasks. She was quite concerned about a number of issues. Asked me to send the screenshots to my supervisor and herself. Discussed some additional security scenarios with me in terms of protecting myself and the data. I started to explain that I had encountered similar behaviour in other assignments but she told me she already knew a lot about those. That was comforting but disturbing all at the same time. Don`t know where it will all lead. Spent the rest of the day with my headphones turned up full blast and indexed away. When in doubt sing. At least sotto voce, eh.

My own computer has bit the big one too and this one has a very short attention span. That said I guess I`d better fo read to the youngest and our cats. Literature soothes the savage beasts too. Good night dear diary.

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