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01:13 - 01.08.05
Heat Wave
Happy Birthday to JK Rowling and Harry Potter too. Started reading the new book "Half Blood Prince" out loud today. Seemed appropriate somehow. Happy Lughnassadh too for all thoe of a celtic persuasion. The halfway point between summer solstice and vernal equinox, you see. Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream would be an appropriate read aloud play tonight too. Mab and Oberon are afoot I think.

It was baking hot today. High of 31 C/88 F officially, but hotter than that in homes with no air conditioning. Even with three fans and an air purifier going it is still really too warm to sleep tonight. My youngest and I continued clearing out the material from the deconstuction of our home today. Loaded all the material left on the lawn into the returned garbage container, then started lugging up more stuff from the basement. The neighbour who I had heard talking about adding his stuff in asked my youngest, when I wasn't present, if he could pay a bit to add his material in. It really irritates me that various adults will approach my son, but none will talk with me about issues to do with the house. I've spent the last 20 years or so struggling to keep up payments on the house so that the boys and I had a place to live, yet it seems as though there is no acknowledgement of my right to determine what should be done with it otherwise. Repairs, upgrades, and changes are my right to decide, since I am the one who is carrying two jobs in order to pay for everything. It is getting to the point where even my youngest thinks it is ok do make choices or agreements , without even consulting me, because the adults who feel the need to interfere or control don't have the cojones or the courtesy to speak with me.

The insect issue is causing a lot of problems, although the cats love the thrill of chasing, then eating that prey. I linked to the story about giant wasps invading the city a few days ago, because I had been stung by one a week ago Thursday. Left forearm, right in among the tendons above the wrist. Even with an antihistamine within a few minutes, the swelling nearly doubled the size of my arm for a few hours. Pretty tough to be keying all day for those two work days with that happening. Wore my brace and was very grateful for the weekend and the chance to let all that irritation settle down. The other problem the insect population is causing for me is around the issue of all the chemicals the city and private home owners are pouring in to the atmosphere. It may kill the bugs, but it may also kill a few people like me who are asthmatic and have severe reactions to the poisons. That canary in the cage thing again. Interesting that my scottish roots indicate some miners in the family tree. Last night, when I was posting to you, the neighbours on the west side must have been spraying, because all at once the cats began to fuss and cry and I started gagging and choking. Lasted for at least an hour even with all the meds I could take in my system. Different new occupants of the house next door but same family, same drunks out side tonight, just different sleeping arrangements at the end of the night for them. Sigh.

The heat is fraying people tempers too. Friday I was waiting to cross at the light on the main street when we could see flashing lights and hears sirens approaching from the south lanes. On fire truck, two ambulances and a police escort. A young male driver was stopped at the cross street at a green light waiting for the emergency vehicles to proceed through the intersection. That is the law for drivers. Behind him a woman about my age with two young teens in her car was screaming obscenities at him and nudging her vehicle up against the young guy's trying to force him in to the intersection. Under normal circumstances I suppose she might have been described as attractive but that woman's rage made her one of the ugliest people on the planet. Even more scary was the fact that her two children saw her behaviour and probably ould be persuaded by her later that she was justified in demanding someone else break the law because she was being inconvenienced just because someone else had the bad luck to be injured along her travel route. She got so vicious that the young guy finally floored it and turned in to the far lane of traffic going north. She came up behind him and rode his bumper until they were out of sight. I think people who behave that way behind the wheel of a vehicle should lose their licences permanently. They are obviously too mentally unstable to be operating such dangerous and deadly equipment. Driving is a privilege not a right as far as I am concerned. She not only put the emergency crew and the young man and his passengers at risk, she obstructed ehlp from arriving to someone whose life might have already been at risk and we pedestrians were afraid to move since it was apparent she was out of control and would likely just as easily ran us over if we happened to be in what she felt was "her way". "All ways are the Queen's way's" said the Cheshire Cat to Alice when said monarch was frothing at the mouth during the croquet sequence in Wonderland.

Think I'll try getting some sleep now too since it is too hot to think so too hot to write. Good night dear diary.

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