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11:17 p.m. - 2004-05-12
I went through four pairs of pantyhose this morning - literally. Pulled a pair on and just as I reached the waist a Huge hole appeared somewhere that couldn't be hid. As it was I had slept in, because I had gone to bed so late a few hours before. Number three son's friend from Vancouver had called and wanted to talk. Of all my sons' friend there are about half a dozen I consider as adopted anyway. The welcome is always there for them whenever they call or drop in. Why? They just grew up and in to the family over the years.

Anyway catching the later bus meant I met up with one of the young women I often chat with while travelling. She's going overseas to visit family in Eastern Europe in a few weeks so between that and our cats there was lots to talk about. I still got to the office early enough that I had to wait for my security card to activate - its programmed for 7:30 am on. Waiting for the elevator I watched the concierge for the building. He's a very low key guy but warm and welcoming at the same time. One of the daycare denizens squealed with delight and ran up to greet him. High 5's between them and then off to the daycare where the woman who greets the children at the elevators gave out warmth and welcome too.

Work was steady all morning. There is always food available in the dining room. Fresh fruit brought in on Mondays and Wednesdays as a regular practice. Treats as well other days. This morning about 9 A popped her head in to my office to tell me to go grab a doughnut before the other department got there. I thanked her but declined - explaining that I was trying to stick close to the Atkins regime so that I could overcome the plateau I'd hit with the weight loss. She commiserated. I worked on some documents that had one of my uncle's names all over them this morning - he's been in the same industry, although a different discipline for decades. It is a mark of how big the business is that I don't see it all that often. Later during lunch he waved at me as we were off in different directions. Don't see him all that often either since he is semi-retired, interesting synchronicity.

I was walking in the plus 15 bridges because I did go out to lunch with a couple of the women I worked with back about about three to six years ago. I really miss their company. We three had a very good team when it came to sharing the workload and looking after each other. One of them asked me if I could remember a research process on one of the software packages specific to a very specialized area that I had the lead on during our time together. Well given that I hadn't used it for the past three years I was surprised how much came back as I was talking it through. I could see the screen in my mind but not quite read off the text anymore. It wouldn't have been too difficult if I had had a PC and the program up in front of me, but this is an industry where one just doesn't walk in to an office to help. Have to be an employee first. Fair game. I promised I would e-mail anything else I recalled later. Lunch was wonderful - I had calamari sauteed in fresh peppers and garlic, yum.

Got back to the office and called the City Census Office since they had left a voicemail the day before. Turns out a lot of their census takers were calling in saying their fax log indicated that my Elections fax number was being listed as "no longer in service". I explained that weekdays I was still receiving 20 to 30 faxes and that I had even heard one come through as I left for work this morning. Called Ottawa's tech - since everything is routed through them 0 and they tested out the line while we spoke. They got through ok but promised to call the local provider to see if they could determine the source of the problem. I don't know why communication is such an issue this time but it seems as though there is some little gremlin thinking up one glitch after another. Argghh.

I stayed later than my quit time to make up for the time I spent clearing that communication problem (hopefully) up. As I was boarding the train a woman came up behind me and literally elbowed me out of her way,stepping on my feet too to get the one seat left. I hadn't intended ot sit anyway - I rarely do since I sit all day - but there was a point to be made since she was quite a bit younger than me and athletic -even wearing work out clothes. I just quietly stood beside her the whole time as she tried to ignore my presence. When she left she shoved and elbowed two males out of her way too as she headed for the exit. She was reading one of those romance novels filled with angst about why the heroine never seems to find her prince. If it was a vicarious read, I think her problem might be solved if she just paid attention to her manners a bit more. When I got off the bus I walked past the local daycare just in time to witness a big rite of spring here. Red hair blue eyes and two years old. She was chortling with glee as she headed for every puddle in sight, her mom racing behind scolding and laughing at the same time. I laughed too.

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