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15:03 - 06/01/2022
Surprised to see me back so soon, dear diary? So am I, but that last entry stirred up so much old trauma that it needs to be cleared out.

The words finance or money cause immediate stress in my psyche. Yet, I didn't even really mention it in the last entry. Everything else that happened was more upsetting. I really don't want to talk about it now, but some things need to be said. I got notice at the end of June last year that my pension was going to be cut by a major percent, by both levels of government, beginning in less than a month. So much for budgeting. That CPP is my only source of income and I always directed the employers to deduct the maximum amount off my pay as a contribution toward this time. As a consultant/contract worker there were no other retirement savings options.

As mentioned earlier, last summer was a very expensive period of time. Some of the things I had offered to help my sons with could no longer be done. Even so, my credit cards really racked up the expenses. Added in to the costs of dealing with immigration for one daughter-in-law and ouch. Being that she is an American citizen, I am very grateful she chose to settle here. Given that they have four of my grandbabies, I would have been frantic about all of their safety, given the gun culture south of our border and the endless school attacks.

I mentioned last entry that my bank helped me out to keep my tiny home. I paid all my bills, of course, but they lengthened the loan time and managed to lower the interest rate, so I could make the payments. I think I might be paying a mortgage until I die, but at least my family had a roof over our heads.

All the angst between my sons in September were exacerbated by the lies told to the boys' by their Dad. He had shown them the original court order that had directed him to pay significant support for the boys. Of course, he never paid it. That is why, after several years, the courts signed his half of the home to me. It still didn't cover the arrears, but at least we a had a roof over our heads. He would occasionally show up with a wad of one dollar bills wrapped up with a twenty dollar bill and very ostentatiously had it to me in front of the boys, so they would think he was helping. He didn't actually start paying anything until the government took away his driver's licence. Even then it was only one hundred dollars and change for the boys for a month. That was about ten years after he deserted the family. He had also vandalized the house a few times after he lost his share; as a revenge, I think. I didn't have any extra income for repairs. Sigh.

I promised myself I would be a little more positive in this entry, so here goes. My Dad, at over 90, is still going strong. My sister who was treated for cancer is in full remission. She is currently on a cruise with her hubby. The original itinerary was set to take them on a walking tour of St. Petersburg, Russia, but I think that was amended. Their first grandbaby was born healthy and scrappy in the winter, so that is happy too. My second sister's hubby was diagnosed with cancer last June. He had to have emergency surgery to excise part of his tongue. Apparently it is quite common among smokers, but it is something else the tobacco companies don't admit is a thing. My next sister's hubby just got a date for a double hip replacement this autumn. He has been in great pain for a few years now, but with covid, all "non-essential" surgeries were delayed, of course. My daughter-in-law who had cancer, but is in remission, will be going in for some preventive surgery this winter. She isn't really all that fussed about it, but at least she will be able to see her children grow up. So those are some of the positives dear diary. Health trumps wealth doesn't it?.

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