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22:59 - 15.11.07
Yesterday was good - productive anyway. Started early and headed off first to the one scheduled interview. I really liked the placement officer. She focussed on strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes and aspirations. She listened when I expanded on my responses based on previous work experience. No psycho-babble. The rough part was hearing how long it might take to find something that fit me. She said one client had waited six months for a perfect match. I wouldn't mind that if it wasn't for all the bills I have to deal with in between. Not her problem though so I didn't say anything about that either. As we were saying our good-byes in the foyer an hour later, a large group of very well dressed men emerged from the conference room one door down from our penthouse office overlooking the river valley. They seemed quite pleased with their meeting. One said "See you at the Emmys". I assumed they were kidding but then there was some joking between my interviewer and one of the other group's numbers as to whether a date for the event next year was possible. Hmmm.

Slipped down to earth again, stopping in one of the powder rooms to change from dress shoes to the walking sneakers stowed in my purse. A first nations Mom with half a dozen children in tow was trying to clean up one of the youngest - maybe a year or so old - who had obviously spilled enough of something on herself that entire change was necessary. the Mom sounded beat as she asked the older children to help out. I remember those days. Taking six children anywhere required the logistical skills of a general. Slipped back out into the mall and headed west to drop off a letter of reference for myself to the interviewer I had met with a week ago. She emailed later that day just to let me know that she was still trying to find a match for me too. Ahhh Yenta, Yenta. "Fiddler on the Roof". Both interviewers have complimented me on the range and depth of skills I have built up but it just doesn't seem to translate in to an offer of employment. I told the interviewer yesterday about a couple of my interview misadventures the past couple of months and asked if I was doing something wrong. No, but what were the people involved thinking in the first place? Wish I could say.

After dropping off that one letter at the west edge of downtown I headed north across the river walking into the trendy boutique district so popular in this city. Marvelled at the new Buddhist Monastery tucked up behind the Catholic School headquarters just before I reached the bridge to cross the river. There used to be a modest converted structure for the monks to live on the site, but this looked more like the temples in southeast Asia. Too cool. One of my sons and his partner had given me gift certificates last Christmas for the specialty tea house in the boutique area. I had an interesting visit with the owner of the store who mixed and blended my choices as we chatted. She had a good knowledge of herbal remedies as well, so we traded information as she told me about her business development plans for the coming year. Savvy and yet down to earth too. Fair trade store you see. The bill came out to exactly the value of the certificates too.

Wandered over to the train station next to board the northbound cars. Headed over to where I grew up for a good portion of my late childhood and teens. My favorite home was set back about two blocks from where I was going to complete one of my piecework assignments. I contemplated walking over to see the old homestead. Given it was my Mom's birthday, I was a little afraid of the emotions that might trigger. I usually bury the feelings that rise up when I think about that part of my life - I really miss it. That was where I was the happiest ever. Sigh. Maybe I should have, but I needed to be able to do my jobs too. Finished up at one of the malls that used to be my friends and my favourite hangouts. That was enough of a jolt to the system. It doesn't come close to the old layout that I knew inside and out but the additions of stores and services made it a more complete hub for the community and nearby university campus. The coffee houses and sitting areas were jammed with people of all ages.

Headed back to the train again this time heading south. got off at the second mall I needed to visit, this one serving one of our bigger colleges and a more established area of the city. The difference in the crowds was striking compared to the previous mall. Much more spacious but entirely different clusters of services and stores to meet the demands of their customers. Most of the visitors were either young adults or seniors who obviously had been socializing togethr for decades. That ease that one sees on the main street of a small or rural community. The few adults of an early to middle age were either workers or caregivers I think. Popped into the grocery store to pick up a few essentials so as to save me another shop in my own community.

One young woman in a wheelchair had travelled from downtown north with me and left the mall to go back the same way at the same time I left that mall. The crossing is not all that handicapped accessible so I asked her if she had been able to get her errand s done ok. I was tired but I would have gone back to help her finish up if she had asked. She said she was satisfied with things the way they were. We both got off at the first stop in the downtown core. She stayed on the platform until I boarded my train to get back home. It didn't make much sense to me given that the train we travelled on together would have taken her through downtown to the south. Yet she didn't board my train northeast either. She headed off toward the busses clustered nearby so maybe she lived in the south west where there isn't any train service yet. Just before I boarded one of the homeless males asking if I could spare a bus ticket. Normally I carry extras but I'm so short of money that I daren't give them away right now. Still felt guilty for saying no all the same. If I knew that either of the agents I've interviewed with the past couple of weeks had even a glimmer of an assignment for me or if any of the resumes I've sent out would bring an offer ..... Sigh again. When I got home there was a spybot that my youngest noticed that appeared to be trolling for resumes - that was the coding anyway. The job websites caution about including things like one Social Insurance Number or banking information, but I don't keep anything like that on my computer. A number of surveys in the inbox either asking about holiday travel or sexual activity. Haven't anything to offer about either since I can't recall the last time....

Arrived home to very pleased cats. They wanted a nap with their human and I was happy to oblige after nearly six straight hours of walking. Got up and tried to finish up all the other work I usually do before bedtime. Spent a good part of last night and today on the phone. Talked with all but one of my guys at least once and a couple several times while trying to work out ways to help each other out with our problems/needs. That's what family is all about after all. Another busy day tomorrow so I guess I'd better go find a spot on my bed before the felines have claimed them all. Good night dear diary.

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