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03:26 - 02.10.07
Mr Mercury in the shadow of a retrograde defined my day today. Started with brand new pantyhose self destructing at the bus stop at 8 in the am and it just went downhill from there as far as the job interview was concerned. You see what the employer wanted and what the placement agency representative understood they wanted were two very different things. I got caught in the middle. The employer wanted someone at a "just out of high school level", part-time, who wasn't needing to support themselves. A wage lower than someone working at McDonald's that is. The agency had undestood a full time, but temp, position with a fair amount of training offered in a skill I would like to have. Not even close. Add in that I had one of those hacking, coughing fits that started shortly after reaching the reception area which didn't stop until I left that floor. No coughing before and none after so I have to wonder about the air quality on that floor. Add in that the receptionist was teaching me the fire drill requirements as I was signing in, some big kahunas from another country were visiting in the same area and the 13th door of the train I was riding had to be locked down after it blew open in transit and it was just a star-crossed few hours. Bleagh.

I did have a great day with my granddaughter and later with my youngest. Both times it involved finding videos on youtube that tickled their fancy and delighted their senses of humour. I was finally able to watch some Pavarotti clips - the first time since his death. What a generous person he was with his gift. Gifts sometimes can take a terrible toll on the one so gifted, with such high expectations being placed on them. A lot of correspondence needed to be attended to with respect to family and friends. Some of it rather serious, some not so much so; just the daily maintenance of relationships.

It's very late so I guess good night for now, dear diary.

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