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03:14 - 30.05.07
Yesterday I woke up earlier than usual because I could feel some anger being projected my way. Ran through various scenarios in my head. What seemed to be the source had to do with the job search. I had sent an email to the one agent at the placement agency over the weekend just letting her know about that newspaper article that might explain the odd interview questions. Like a dog with a bone I am sometimes, but I needed to have it said. However, it was well before she would have arrived at work so that didn't make sense at all. Maybe it was just a dream too.

I continued to work on my youngest's bedroom today as well. Another few hours and all is done except the laundry. He arrived back home from his visit with his friend in the US around the dinner hour. Left here at the end of our long weekend and returned after Memorial Day there. He seems to enjoy travelling over holidays. I was breathing a sigh of relief that he wasn't on any of the airplanes with really sick people on board. So far we've heard about measles, mumps and tuberculosis within the past few weeks. That's pretty disturbing.

My oldest son checked in later in the day looking for books and movies that model stronger roles for my granddaughter. He said he's tired of her seeing all those made for children's material where all the girls do is scream and wait for rescue. He also wants material that feeds her interest in art. Actually one of our most famous female painters was a very storng person who defied society's restrictions for women in a number of ways during her lifetime. I think I'll try and find a book about Emily Carr that illustrates both her talent and her attitude as well. We got to talking about children's movies he had enjoyed when he was a child. I started searching on-line as we spoke to see if any are still available. Hard to do with little clips of information about them all that will come up in one's head. What was that one called that had a young man whose touch turned things. My son said he had a pet parrot in that film parrot. I think maybe he realized the golden touch wasn't always good when he touched that pet and it died. I know it is based on the Midas story, but there were significant differences too in the cartoon. Have to think on that. Researched some other stories as well. I think some of the Nancy Drew and Louisa May Alcott stories would show some good role modelling for my grand-daughter as well. One of the sons registered on facebook responded to me today too. Now I know how to track him down. Voicemail and email have never been very satisfactory ways of getting him to talk, but this way works great.

Anyway time for bed. Have to pack a lunch in a few hours. Good night dear diary.

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