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01:08 - 18.08.06
Wheel of Fortune
Around suppertime I began to feel very light-headed - almost migrainy - a bit weak around the knees and the sense that "things" were happening too fast was very strong. I'm not certain what "things" those were mind you. It was more like watching a movie run at double speed without being able to really see the details of the film. I had been spiking a fever earlier, but that was in response to the air pollution. The body was fighting hard not to succumb to it. The evening spell was different though. I was wondering if it had anything to do with that massive solar Coronal Mass Ejection that should have been approaching earth's atmosphere around that time. There had been an email announcing the probability of very active aurora manifestations over our skies. If that can occur externally in very big space, then it follows that there could also be a similar effect inside one's brain too. Right? Speaking of which where in all those "newly" named planets is Vulcan? He was supposed to be next on the list of discoveries. There are even prophecies about world events when that planet shows himself.

The other hypothesis I had was that maybe my body was craving some food type that I hadn't been diligent in eating lately. The reason I was pondering that is because my body is craving very different foods these days. Whereas before I couldn't function until I had at least one cup of coffee, now it is a chore to get even one down every day. The body is very clear it doesn't like that food anymore. I get really queasy when I drink a cup, even if it is half milk. Ditto for tea. I used to keep a full cup by me at all times, but now the body is demanding real fruit juice or milk instead. Change over in the solid foods craved too. No more carbohydrates, sweets, nor most meats. Just chicken and fish and not much of that either. Now the body wants fruit and lots of it, plus more veggies. Fresh if you please. Maybe it is both theories together. Don't know.

I tried to divert my attention from the physical by looking through the web for inspiration. I found this ad for a new electric car very appealing; although so far out of my price range as to render it non-existent. Next up there was this thought provoking piece on youtube on the use of fear to modify behaviour. Not what you think, but worth considering dear diary. This article about the joint initiative in Europe to harmonize post secondary education was fascinating. Of course one's education should, by rights, be portable to almost anywhere in the world. Their conference would be absolutely fascinating to attend. Another remix contest. This one would put the text of a book to music, sort of like the soundtrack for a movie, I guess. Wish I had that skill. More stories about cultural exchange of a celtic nature, and great storytelling.

Number three son arrived tonight with his new baby - the van - to show off. Finally the paperwork is all up-to-date. Now it is number six son who is having the technical difficulties. The new electronics toy he bought with his wages in June had its first meltdown and it isn't even a dell. More resumes went out and a couple of calls came in to set times for interviews. Fall budgets must be starting to be disbursed, I guess. Time to go visit with number one son though. Good night dear diary.

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