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23:59 - 16.08.06
Not a lot to say tonight. I heard from my new tech yesterday. He still hasn't received any information with respect to when he is to attend training. The original plan seemed to be to have all the new trainees in Ottawa in September. Like most of the other techs, I suspect, my tech has important obligations to family, work and community. What head office always seems to forget is that most of our staff can't - not won't - but can't just drop everything to attend to EC's whims. Another example of abuse of power. When I tried to email the training department I found that the person who had headed it up has now disappeared too. Another one of the good people gone. It is a wonder sometimes that this organization can function at all given the employee turnover. Especially given that it usually seems to be the best that leave or are let go. We never really hear the story and it isn't likely that we'd hear the truth of the matter either. When I first went for training when I received my appointment I found myself in an elevator full of federal employees - none of whom were working in the election department. I was required to wear photo id which included my province of residence. It was apparent that the eastern stereotype of western Canadians was in operation because they all started to speak french on the assumption that I wouldn't understand them. The reason had nothing to do with me personally. They were all just commenting on EC being the lowest level of civil servant he**. They were all thanking their fates that they did not have to get off on the same floor as me. At the time I just thought they were being negative but I guess their assessment was correct. I still wonder why the organization has never been called to account. Oh right. No one left to tell the tales. However this judge's ruling might just be enough to turn the tide in terms of abusing staff. Enough of a fine to make certain that one worker won't have to feel degraded anymore.

Sad news was one friend's son died yesterday. No information forthcoming but no parent can help but feel fear when they hear of that. It seems for the past few years I've have heard at least one of those announcements per year. Heart breaking indeed.

In the news, Canada's very own Cape Canaveral, eh. Canadian history comes alive in a couple of ways too. Oh Evangeline. Protecting our water and land in some rather creative ways were also good news - go United Church. Remember the water issue has been enough to toss long term governments out of office when they forgot that they were stewards not owners of the resource. Truth to tell one of the scientists I know laughed for an extended period of time when he thought of our local burghers buying the bottled water anyway. Our tap water tests cleaner than any bottled stuff out there. As for other tests I guess one also has to think of medical tests now before one can board an airplane.

As they say though it isn't all over until the fat lady sings. For me that means going to sleep right now. Good night dear diary.

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