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23:51 - 14.08.05
Week Ends
I am so glad the planet Mercury will start moving forward tomorrow night. I'm not looking for any big changes just my alarm clock working properly would be enough in the short term.

As you might have guessed, dear diary, I still wasn't feeling that great this weekend. Saturday was mostly spent sleeping trying to beat whatever virus is on the attack now. I did go for groceries in the morning and that means I always touch base with one or two people at last I need to see, since it is a community gathering place. One of the good things Mercury retrograde does is bring people one hasn't seen for a while back in one's orbit. I like that too. Yesterday it was our Member of Parliament. He was wearing his black "meeting" suit and appeared to be responsible for bringing munchies. You gotta do what you gotta do. He said he was very surprised at how busy the summer had been with respect to dealing with constituents' issues. Normally not a lot of people call during the holiday season, I guess, but he said he had been run off his feet trying to keep up. Hmmmm. He did look quite tired and it was obvious he was in a hurry. We traded a few pleasantries and I told him about our asignment to clean up the voter's list come the fall. Given the mobility rate and the migration from other government databases it always means a lot of work for me. Hopefully this time residents will be filtered for being citizens as well as being of age.

The other place I've met a lot of people from the past is on the train. I've felt like I've been given my freedom by being able to ride it again. Maybe a little more inconvenient than commuting by private vehicle, but at least I have the choice now where I go, when and with who. Much more to my liking. I can even sleep all the way in to town if I want. The other benefit is physical. All the extra walking and climbing stairs to get between connections means there is a bit more muscle tone in the legs and behind and my lungs get a bit of a work out too since the only way to make the connections most days is to run - fast.

Speaking of lungs apparently the weather patterns are drawing the smoke from the forest fires in British Columbia into our city. Number two son called this afternoon while he and his partner were out walking. He said it looked like fog all the way along their route and had been that way all day. They live in the southwest part of the city. Forecasters on the news tonight said that would likely continue for the nexy week. Guess my inhaler might continue to get a workout. Not much that can be done about it so just grin and bear it right? The other way I keep my lungs operational so they can cope with such environmental assaults is by reading out loud to my youngest. He indulges me still. Tonight we finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The secondary benefit of that effort is that it works like a sedative on the cats. They literally stop what they're doing and slowly descend in to slumber. Sheherezade 101. The only other way to deal with them when they're being overactive is to bring out Mr Vacuum cleaner. They loathe that but it does mean they are on their very best behaviour for a good long stretch later. "Don't let that monster eat us, Mom". Quit trying to steal my youngest supper then.

Other than those activities the rest of the weekend was just the usual. Wash dishes, clean litter boxes, do laundry, fetch, carry, cook and scrub. Makes the other work at least a bit more appealing come Monday. Better get ready for that I guess, good night dear diary.

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