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6:34 PM - 28.08.04
Smokey Robinson and the Miracles "You've Really Got a Hold on Me " per the Beatles "I don't Like You, but I Love You" playing in the background now.

"Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love." Rumi

There is a workshop on this incredible Sufi poet tomorrow at the local community hall. I'd like to go - I'll see how things shake out in the morning I guess. The last time I went to a conference on mystics after finding the information in a newspaper ad? It signalled a period of major transformation in my life. The teacher then had been Matthew Fox (Original Blessing and The Cosmic Christ) and it was his commentary on female mystics that had attracted me to the workshop. It occurred at the truly beautiful Knox United Church in downtown Calgary and I took time off work - unpaid of course - in order to attend.

There were major astrological portents for that day in my chart and I laughed as I realized what I was consciously directing the energy toward. The symbols pointed to a blast of lightning and a dispersion of illusions - oh yeah, Uranus and Neptune in near union in my astrological birth sign going forward together in square to Mercury.

The problem with trying to ride a thunderbolt is that it goes where it will and all one can do is hope that the "clearing of the air" predicted leaves one with enough breath to be going on with. One of the rituals celebrated in the workshop was a ceremonial calling in of the spiritual energy needed for cleansing and healing. Sometimes we forget that cleansing also means clearing out and getting rid of old unhealthy patterns. Did it work? Oh yeah! Two weeks later my whole perception of the way the world should work was blown out of the water when I was almost fired for not wanting to accept the advances of a supervisor. The ceremony from the workshop became the reference point from which I stood my ground and where I found the strength to cope.

The astrological omens for tomorrow? Well let's see. Pluto in transit about to go to direct motion while in union with my natal Venus and Ascendant square my natal moon; transiting full moon in Pisces. Do I want to chance another transformation with Pluto driving? Well let's see. The aspect operates regardless, so I guess I should have the option of choosing my own poison right? Socrates chose hemlock; Rumi is considered of of the gretest mystical and love poets of all time. The Sufis try to merge themselves in the divine - is that so bad? Maybe I'll just stop reading the paper instead.

Maybe not though. One of the columnists today seemed to be having a similar epiphany - Eugene Stickland - the playwrite who wrote "Some Assembly Required" being his best known comedy. He was musing about his commitment to his muse. Getting to that point in life where one is starting to wonder if that passion was born of an inner fire or false idols. In his case I think the fire is real, but only he and his cat will ever know for certain. Whatever else he does his columns give me a real lift on Saturdays so I hope he at least keeps on with that.

In the travel section a fascinating story from a couple who spent their holiday as campesinos in eastern alpine Spain. Wandering, shepherding - it put me in mind of the book "The Pilgrimage" by Paulo Coehlo. I would love to try that - maybe in the fall though. One of the women I travel with some mornings was born near Madrid. A couple of weeks ago she was telling me about her discussion with her sisters still living back home. It's cooled down to +40 C from the highs approaching +50s C in July. I allowed I would love to be on the south coast near Gibraltar in that type of weather, but not inland on the plains.

Then there was the fashion section - homes not clothes. I think I'm going to start watching TV again. Women teaching women how to look after those fixer uper jobs always needing attention in one's own domain. After the episode with the plumber earlier this month - the darn faucet still leaks, just not so much or so loudly - that cost me nearly $500, I think taking things into my own hands can't be any worse. Famous last words right? I've always wanted to convert all my feature windows into stained glass creations, but I guess just having this quarter century structure in good shape would be an accomplishment. Given some of the shoddy construction and materials being used in housing these days, it might be a smart decision though. If not, at least I only have myself to blame if things don't look or work well.

The clothes thing? Well let's see - the fashion parade on the train yesterday. One Goth maven now trying to make it as an office drone. Her outfit was at least creative and entertaining. Black stockings, appliqued black widow spiders encircling her legs just below the knees. Coool, I want a pair or two, but fishnets if one is going to have webweavers - right? The rest of her ensemble - silky black blouse and slinky knee length skirt. Dye enhanced black hair with deep purple streaks in a "I Dream of Jeannie" coiffure. Accessorized by an Avengers style umbrella. Emma Peele was one of my heroes growing up - John Steed as her muscle, toy boy whatever. Wonder what effect that would have if I wandered into the current office I'm assigned to; at home it would probably have my guys in hysterics. Might be worth the effort at that.

Contrast that to two people who totally dissed the ancient and distinguished plaid of my cultural background. One young, very well rounded female in hot pink plaid pedal pushers, zippers ubiquitous in the strangest places. Geisha sandals. Red bra straps visible under a black off the shoulder t-shirt. She won't be lost in any blizzard Mother Nature tries to throw. The other culprit was a young man. Black felt bowler hat - ok, but a hatband of large silver belt buckles. Black backpack with red plush spikes sticking out all over. Gangsta style jeans reconfigured. The bottom third of the legs (Below his knees) replaced by orange plaid highlighted with black and yellow flashes, white panels appliqued down the front of his thighs and the back along the hamstring with red hand lettered text reading "Unseen"and "Resources". One can only hope.

Other newsworthy stories? Gravity Weight loss NASA style. Above the law hockey. Faith issues - the law Shariah and Ancient_Texts and art-ifacts Hermitage and Munch. Already it's starting too. The threats to topple the recently elected Federal government by the coalition of the three opposition parties. Oi. Why not use the "balance of power" opportunities to create better, cleaner governance structures. Oh wait - that wouldn't serve anyone except citizens would it? True health and education reform aimed at serving the young and the vulnerable? No advantage there is there, that segment of the population doesn't vote. Think I'll go back to reading the "Book of Q". It may be rattling my psychological cage but at least it has the potential to uplift rather than drag me down in the end. Maybe.

"Red Rain" Peter Gabriel, pouring down now.

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