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11:41 p.m. - 2004-07-29
Last night I was still mopping up financial work for Elections Canada close to midnight. A call from Ottawa asking for the calculations I used to determine how many ballots and Voter Information cards to produce. No copies and the printer doesn't get paid. Why have they eaited this long to deal with it? Finally found the copies after going through about five boxes or one third of what I brought home with me. No I haven't had time to unpack yet, thank you very much for asking. I'm going to try and get that task done over the long weekend. This weekend. Full moon and it's blue in the sign of Aquarius. I should be out being eccentric and unpredictable, but I guess I'm going to have to wait. Never mind.

This morning one of the young women I travel with on the bus noted that time was slipping away from her. She had spent the last three weeks in Romania visiting her grandparents. Everything in the world has been changed except the "old ways". She is frantic about their welfare, being that they are now in their 80's, but it is more that a close family member is cleaning them out thoroughly. That can happen anywhere in the world including here. Can't blame any particular social structure for that either - it happens in them all.

My co-worker was a little more amenable today. I can understand the angst he is expressing, but taking it out on me - or anyone like me - is counter productive. Doesn't gain him any brownie points. There isn't a lot to do there right now so onw just has to accept that as part of the contract.

Walked at noon with one woman I worked with about six contracts ago. One of the women who work in the office that I am in now came up behind us and commented that I needed to move "that cute, skinny little bum" so that she could finish her power walk. I looked back at the offending piece of anatomy to see if we were talking about the same thing. I'm thinner but there isn't a lot of muscle tone or sculpting anywhere. Whatever. We walked up the center street escarpment then doubled back along the river bank. It was fascinating to see people on the rafts and ducks happily playing together, flowing along with the current. She was telling me about her job interview yesterday. She said that her ability to negotiate was impaired by the teaching of the stewards of the orphange where she grew up. Getting more or better than everyone else was a bad or sinful thing as far as the caregivers were concerned. As the oldest of five children I used to hear that all the time from my parents, there was never much cash until after I left home, so it was critical that everyone share in order for there to be enough to get on with. Sharing to a fault was considered one of the great positive acts one could do. Handicaps you in a lot of ways in the real world though.

Took my grandbabies to the latest Harry Potter movie at suppertime tonight. My grandaughter wanted to share with Nana, so I got raisins and chocolate chips for supper.MMMM good. The movie was too scary for my grandson, the Dementors even upset me - drew on some deep seated fears I think. Next time, I think I'll go check it out before we buy tickets. It was well played - the movie that is, in terms of the special effects and the relationships that are being built among the characters. However, the story line didn't reflect much of the book except enough to ensure someone watching would know it related to the original script somehow. Got home and found stew waiting to be cooked. Did that just now - there wasn't time before. One supper for my oldest son, one for the grandbabies and one for numbers 4 and 6 sons. Cooked until about 10:30 pm I think, to ensure everyone got fed. Anyway I need to go to bed - must be the late wild nights out -so I can carry out the last of my duties at my current work place.

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