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12:19 a.m. - 2003-06-01
It was a family kind of day today. Went out with my Dad this morning. He was sitting in my living room waiting when I emerged from getting dressed, reading my Thai Massage Book. I offered to demonstrate the techniques on his sore shoulder but he declined. Got to catch someone off guard who will let me try out some of the yoga postures and the work entailed.

Now I know I said I hadn't lost any weight off my tummy but it is coming off elsewhere. Soooo..... I need a new bra. I'm particular about that, because if I'm not comfortable that way I'm not comfortable anyplace else.

My Dad was a good sport and wandered into the ladies' lingerie with me. The store I chose usually carries the style and size I want, at about half the price of anyplace else. No luck there. We wandered to the other end of the mall where the other major chain store is located. A lot more selection, but still not my size. Just as well, since they were more than twice the price. I am a bit difficult to fit. My Dad tried to show me some other types, but I don't want to spend money on something that I won't wear more than a day because it's uncomfortable. I'll look for what I need downtown.

We wandered off and had brunch - lots of talk of family and friends. He has some really great neighbours where he lives. They treat him like family too - a bit too much for his liking some days, but at least I know there's always someone close he can rely on if he needs help. More talk of my brother's 40th birthday party - just plotting - excuse me planning. Then a description of the garage sale trolling my Dad and one of his neighbours did. Fun. What did my Dad buy? Boxes of books of course.

Reminiscing about the holidays we used to take as a family. Always eventful. We were in LA during the Watts riots. Got lost and drove through there looking for the airport - I think. Took a wrong turn in one city - think it was Fresno - and ended up in the wrong side of town. What saved us that time was a man who had served with the US army alongside the Canadian army in Korea. He recognized our cars' licence plates and spoke up for us with some other people who were quite threatening. Ended up on the Pacific coast highway when the car threw an axle - like I understand what that means. Spent a wonderful afternoon in a small community of very kind people waiting for it to be fixed. On the same highway getting caught at a gas station surrounded by incoming Hell's Angels. The owner telling my Dad not to worry about paying - just leave, now! There must be a Patron Saint of wanderers who watched out for us specially on some of those trips. Then a little talk about my work and some things that had happened when I volunteered on committees like Amnesty International. In some way there are some connections or echoes with the work I do now - odd. Finally, we went and picked up groceries before heading home.

Walked in the door to find number one son and the babies had just arrived. Playtime. Non-stop movies, movement, and eating. I was tired out by the time they left, but my grandson was still ready for bear - just like his Dad. My granddaughter found my collection of dresser dolls and was quite content with those. I used to collect china and glass figurines from wherever we travelled each summer on holidays when I was small, but those were broken by a succession of little hands years ago. Not a big deal. I really had some pretty pieces though, maybe I'll try again some day.

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