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12:09 p.m. - 2003-04-06
Fruits and Frauds
Read something really upsetting, although not surprising, in my favorite astrologer's journal this morning. I've been reading his material, and occasionally responding to some of it, for three years now. It is written in a style somewhat reminiscent of Mark Twain's commentary. Has one laughing while the surgery is performed. (Yes I know Bubba, you feel you are akin with Shakespeare but that is another entry - the one on reincarnation.) Anyway, what has always amazed me is that it has been free all that time. A gift or volutary donation to whoever wants or needs it.

So now he has been musing about a subscription fee of $30 per year for his newest scopes with everything else remaining free - more than fair. The result? Some truly vicious e-mail - really personal attacks. This in a country built on the premise of free enterpise and the right to make a living.

Why doesn't it surprise me? While volunteering, I often got the same kind of phone calls - no e-mail back then. Early morning, middle of the night, sometimes people sitting in their vehicles outside my home, even one calling and describing my sons clothing and activities as they were speaking - yet my children were at school, threats. The reasoning? The stated belief was that I "owed" these callers whatever service they demanded for free because it was their right. I was working on things like education and family services for pete's sake, where were these people's minds?

As my marriage was breaking down and I was struggling to ensure my family's financial survival, one group approached me to say it was their turn for my services because I had completed one project. They wanted me to raise $6 million dollars for them; deadline six months. Sure. Another group from a highend district wanted me to take on their major project - because of course, they were too important to work on such common issues, but they'd back me up of course behind the scenes. Uh huh. The manager of the family counselling service I'd helped set up, when I let her know that I was going to have to stop volunteering to look after my sons' welfare? Her comment was "well how are you going to make sure that my needs are met" - I had been doing some of her admin work so more of her time could be focussed on helping the families in distress. None of the above offered me any emotional support for what I was dealing with, let alone any real assistance - you know like an offer of employment, fair compensation for my labour. Each group acted as if it was an affront for me to want to make certain my children were looked after - how could I dare to put my sons' welfare before theirs.

"Volunteer" means by choice, usually because one feels strongly about the necessity or value of the work one is contributing. Sort of a cosmic thank you note for the benefits one has received by being part of a society. Giving back to the community at large. It has nothing to do with someone else's right to any individual personal attention or service.

Who were these people? Usually someone who felt they had the right to take anything they wanted at the expense of anyone "in their way". Often people who spent their whole time complaining about all the ills they perceived in the world, while they were actively contributing to same. Too lazy to actually try and help build, they only knew how to tear down someone else's efforts. As far as actually addressing the people in power causing the perceived "problems" - no cojones - easier to try to threaten and intimidate people like me who were just trying to improve things for our community.

Anyway on to more interesting things.

Read this in our local concert and up-coming events calendar. It looks like it would be fun to take in but I don't like going to things by myself, other than book signings or poetry readings. Wonder if my Dad or one of my sons would bite.

"The Show

In a macaroni-and-cheese tribute to the mighty mothers of mobile home country, Darrin Hagen debunks the myths of trailer court life. From pink flamingos to plaid furniture, the ins and outs of life on wheels are illuminated by Dotty Parsons, Supermom. In her battle to fight "mobile homophobia," no souvenir cushion is left unturned: rituals, diet, furnishings, collections, family, and the most mysterious: The Trailer Court Man.

The Talent

The multi-talented Darrin Hagen is a writer, composer, actor, television host, as well as Canada's most notorious drag performer. He's the co-host of HELP!TV, and his new series, Who's On Top?, debuted in January on the Life Channel. With that, he becomes the first drag artiste in Canada to host a national television series. Hagen last performed in Calgary at One Yellow Rabbit's 2001 High Performance Rodeo in Guys In Disguise: Men Are Stoopid, Women are Cra-azy.

What to Expect

Don't expect a condescending look at the world of trailer parks, but an insightful and humourous look at life in a typical mobile home. It's more than just souvenir cushions and poker-playing bulldog paintings. Hagen, who grew up in a trailer park in Rocky Mountain House, is fiercely defensive of his upbringing and paints a poignant picture of trailer court life. But don't worry, there will still be plenty to laugh about."

Why these two topics together? Well who really is "trailer trash". You will know a tree by it's fruit.

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