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7:27 p.m. - 2003-01-17
Healthy Living
I feel better today. At least my face doesn't feel like it's going to fall off anymore and I don't think my ear will explode, as it was threatening to do yesterday.

I slept fitfully off and on, but it was because every time I slipped into a deep sleep, it seemed to me I heard someone pounding on my front door. That happened three times over six hours. One of my guys was out for the evening and had said he was going to stay overnight with a friend. I thought maybe he had had a falling out and forgotten his keys. It's not as bitterly cold as a few days ago, but leaving someone standing outside, for any length of time, still is a very bad idea. It meant every time I heard the banging I got up to investigate. No son.

The other thought was of a somewhat disturbed child who lives down the street. Given the number of friends my guys have had over time, I am quite pleased that I have only had to entirely ban three from entering the house over 27 years of parenting. In each case, it was because the parents were encouraging and insisting on the right of their child to engage in behaviour that I do not allow in my home. One charming young fellow apparently thought that since he was allowed to beat up and terrorize his younger siblings at home, he should be able to do the same thing in my home. Mama and Papa concurred because, of course, he was just learning how to be a man, and besides that it was a faith based issue. Not in my books. Child number two was so violent that, at the age of 11, he even scared me being that he was taller and outweighed me by quite a bit. Mom again thought that curbing her son's behaviour was an insult and harrassed any one in any setting - including the teachers at the school - viciously. Guess that tells you where it came from. The one I was thinking was badgering us last night, has already been kicked out of three elementary schools. His Mom called to ask if he could study at home with my youngest, because it was all everyone else's fault her child was stealing - they shouldn't show him things that he wants - and bullying - they are all smaller than him so what do you expect?. This child is eight or nine, he will not accept no as an answer and is retaliatory if that is enforced. The last straw with him was when I caught him on my work computer downloading you know what. Now, as the mother of six sons, I've gone through this issue of pornography with each one, starting with finding copies of "Playboy" to finding files in "my documents", I know that a certain amount of curiosity is "normal" but this child's response showed considerably more knowledge than anyone that age should have and an attitude toward women that was very scary. He still calls endlessly on the phone, bangs at the door all hours of the day and, I think, is the one who vandalizes property from time to time. Didn't actually see him on my checks, so I can't be certain.

The final thought was that I could have been hearing the next door neighbours' visitors banging on their door. It wasn't our resident drummer - I know those sounds and I quite enjoy hearing him practice. Good thing, since he works at it for hours sometimes. I guess it doesn't matter since we were safe,and there were no crises, but it was irritating at the time and I admit I indulged in some "poor me" time.

It is odd though, usually when I feel a cold coming on, a couple of capsules of garlic and an aspirin are enough to end the viral assault - didn't even touch it this time. Given the amount of garlic I've swallowed this time, it's probably a good thing I can't smell. Eating doesn't appeal either because I can either breathe, or chew and swallow - good for weight loss I guess. I found my essence of peppermint and that is finally settling my tummy and is clearing out my sinuses very nicely. I wonder what garlic and peppermint smell like together? I likely won't ever know. For those who might want to try this be aware that peppermint, eucalyptus oil or any other aromatic substance, will interfere with any homeopathic remedy.

I got an e-mail from one of my buddies in the Middle East. She says the Europeans and North Americans have been encouraged to have their bags(s) packed in case of the need for a quick departure. It sounds as though a lot of families may have already left. Apparently, the country they have been living in is recruiting people from Central and South America to fill in the gaps in expertise that are going to be left when they leave. She just got back from a holiday in England with her family. Her children are now living in London, France, and Florida so they are safe enough. I hope that their luck holds for the next month.

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