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14:47 - 10/03/2013
My youngest son and his family began to move out last week. He said he thought it would take him about a month to move everything to their new digs one community away. It will take months to get everything clean and back in the order I prefer - especially at the speed I now move. Bleagh.

What it does for me is reduce the noise and traffic in my home, plus stop me feeling like I�m walking on eggshells most of the time. It looks as though a bomb went off downstairs, but at least when I clean it stays that way. I have even found some things I haven�t been able to locate for the nearly two years they lived here. It was always under or behind something.

A+ and I continued our community visits; open house at the mayor�s office � election time, you see � an exhibition of art at a school wing scheduled for demolition � pity � and cultural activities at the original NWMP fort that founded this pretty little city � first nations tea ceremony complete with smudge and a Tibetan green Tara mandala destruction ceremony that ended up at the major river feeding into our secondary river � meant to bring blessings after our floods three months ago. Odd about the green Tara as I had been doing a meditation on her the night before without knowing about the ceremony or its subject matter for the next day. Hmmm. Also went out to watch a documentary by Medecins Sans Frontieres called "Access to the Danger Zone - educational and thought provoking. Worth one's time to see - good job, guys! Also it felt great to be out at night, like a grown-up, wandering through one of our trendy little neighbourhoods; Kensington. It was very different from their daytime face.

I have continued my rounds of visits to various medical facilities too. Back to the opthamologist then over to our city�s spanking new hospital/health complex (has a YMCA built right in). Two hour journey to it by transit; two hours visiting with specialists � internal medicine, cardio � no, Virginia, you didn�t have a real stroke, but we have protocols and funding in place for that diagnosis (hence one is forced under duress to sign forms upon admission to care that supposedly absolve the medical hierarchy of any liability) even though there are no resources allotted for your illnesses; mistreatment anyone? - and a pharmacist � I am anti pharmaceutical since that was the real cause of my Mom�s death (arthritis meds), me using mostly complementary medicine as a result, so I think I made him uneasy. The upshot was that my meds were all changed and I finally was sent for blood tests to determine the state of my endocrine system, because I don�t fit any of the profiles for the syndromes listed in my chart. Helps to be a cranky, knowledgeable health consumer � no patient, I.

Now about those impacted, abscessed wisdom teeth.... Well I can�t nor could I before even with juggling two jobs to support raising six sons, afford to pay several thousand dollars to have those roots wrapped around the gums things extracted.

And there is the evidence my sons need to sue our provincial government � they lost when a class action of families who lost their family like my Mom went to court back in the 1990�s - end of rant.

I had a visit at a coffee shop with one of my previous co-workers. She hasn�t had a full time job since the economy crashed, so she was very stressed. Even though the local BIG industry is whining that they can�t find enough competent workers to fill their roster, what they really mean is they don�t want to pay their employees a living wage. They are demanding they be allowed to import temporary foreign workers � human trafficking anyone? - since they aren�t required to respect labour or health and safety laws/codes that apply to local workers. Hence that industry now keeps about one half of it�s staff on contract undetectable to the bean counters and mainstream media who then verify the �employment crisis� exists. It�s a jobless recovery economically, Virginia, so many Canadians are being exploited for the sake of (mostly Foreign) shareholders. The BIG industry is robbing this country blind in terms of taxes and wages paid yet destroying and contaminating the local, physical environment. Beware � Harlow!

Better climb off my soapbox now and go deal with the real one - laundry again. Sigh.

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