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15:05 - 09/05/2013
Another big storm forecast, but my youngest and his family went out walking anyway just now. A+ and I out for a walk for 3 hours in the early morning hours was enough sun and heat for me. A stroll through the local Little India. Pretty interesting. Low cost ideas for Christmas suggesting themselves, but unique gifts for my family. Sort of like wandering through old Chinatown. You just need to know where to look.

My youngest said he would hear today about their minivan. He said damage to the engine might require them to accept another vehicle. Hmmmm. Better now, than when there is snow and ice and it is -30 C for the darn thing to break down. Better deal with it now, before there is a baby to think about.

My son said if one can find a rental place, the cost is astronomical per month. Eat or have a place to live? The vacancy rate in this city dropped to less than 1% after the flood and now the college and university students are returning for fall semesters. I think a group of young men moved into the duplex next to me. The air was redolent with the odour of Hashish. Takes me back to my student days, when the children of the wealthy were the dealers. (A+ said I should clarify that I didn't use drugs as a young person; one would think he was thinking of me running for elected office - now only prescription use. Sigh. Now big pharma are the pushers.) Well, only their parents could bail them out of jail and keep them out, with their personal influence. Many youth were sent to Europe to "polish off their education". I recall one classmate being given a small company to run (into the ground) when he turned 16. Better use of talent than a pusher, I guess.

My oldest son managed to get a landline reinstalled in my home after six months of delays and disappointments. Not the same phone number I've had for the past few decades, but still people can now find me again. Could have been missed calls to work after the flood - clean-up, but I couldn't do the heavy lifting nor risk catching any of the icky viruses going around, that the regulars on my Facebook account mentioned dealing with after their stints volunteering to clean up. I bet sicknesses not documented either. A+ and I walking through one of the worst hit areas the past weekend. The businesses still all closed. Mostly small boutiquey shops and eateries. Sadly, they will take a major financial hit, but we can't help them by shopping, even if we could - no money, honey.

Lots of discussion on my social media about the Middle East situation too. Mostly against a military intervention - even the gun jockeys and ex-military types. I was asked to provide some info about the alternate non-mainstream media commentary and insights by one of the writers I really enjoy reading and who still demonstrates integrity while reporting. It felt good to help in a positive way, while also forcing me to analyse data clearly. The brain is still functional. Yay!

Well I'd best get back to sifting through all the internet brouhaha, dear diary. G20 propaganda now.

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