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15:57 - 08/26/2013
I woke to a crisp, autumnal feeling morning. Yesterday, at the picnic, speculation about when we would have our first snowfall. There has been snow recorded in our city in every month except July. Not so, at higher elevations. One can see snow on the mountaintops in July from here, just 60 miles or 100 km, if you wish, away. One's choice of season at one's command.

I love autumn best. Cool, clean, crisp air, but enough sunshine and warmth to spend part of the day outside. Need to start a walking routine, now that it is cooler. I will be better for it. It is too easy to become house bound.

I had lots of interesting dreams last night, but no Sir Paul. Woke up to the sound of drilling in the back alley. Not oil trucks or rigs, just city maintenance crews. Hope they get done by garbage pick-up day - two days from now. Called to set up the next eye doctor appointment. Want to make certain that is out of the way before it gets too cold to travel a few hours by transit, that's for sure.

Checked out the yard. Only squirrels and a beautiful pigeon wandering about on my lawn, where the new grass is supposed to sprout. Hmmmmm.

Better run downstairs to check on my laundry - just new to me clothes - so I get that extra bit of exercise in. Talk with you later, dear diary.

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