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10:47 - 03/21/2009
Weekend warrior
On the way to my grand-daughter's play last weekend, my youngest and I met one of the young men who went to school with one of my sons. He was on his way to the second day of a conference on military strategy at the university. His description of some of the discussion was enough to make my blood boil. Someone high up in the federal government - a policy wonk - advocating carpet bombing in Afghanistan. What is wrong with him? The young man was in awe of the speaker, because of his title. I explained who he had been, before he hitched his little wagon to the current ruling political party. Just a bully who is now hiding behind an even bigger bully. Oops. End of the rant.

That did make me resolve to read the book I had bought a month ago with my Christmas present from son number three, "How to Break A Terrorist", which was supposed to be a non-fiction story about using non-violent ways to extract information from enemy combatants, sooner. I finished it last night, but need some time to think over what I read. It raised more questions than it answered, you see. It also stirred up a lot of old, not necessarily good, memories from when I volunteered actively with Amnesty International, as well as the Red Cross' Survivors of Torture program. Along with some other research I have done on an on-going basis, there were just too many comments in the book that didn't add up. Have to research a little more, I think.

Met A+ at his train stop, then proceeded downtown to the theatre complex in the company of my youngest. Met my oldest son and grand-daughter there, waiting nervously for the action to begin. A+ had brought his camera and video-taped the play for me. There was a huge turnout of family and friends of the actors, so there was a delay as more - and more - chairs were brought in to accommodate us. Two plays were offered, with my grand-daughter's being the second. The work by the teachers had been very well done, so the children were focussed and professional about the parts, although not as polished as seasoned players, of course. All told it was a good experience though. A bonus was that three of my grand-daughter's teachers had made the effort, on their day off, to come support her. Anyone who complains about that profession should try keeping up with all the work - seen and unseen - that they do. I am in awe of their dedication to their students. Yes, there are always a few who should never be allowed to teach, but that could be said about some people practicing in any profession, couldn't it?

After the play, my youngest and my oldest son's family headed off to their home to play. My son had packed a bunch of his favorite new movies and old games along, so he could have a play day with my grandchildren. A+ and I wandered off for a walking tour of the downtown. Through one of the major malls, a quick lunch, and then out to the island to cuddle. Unfortunately, the air quality was so bad that we had to leave downtown, because my breathing was becoming more and more laboured. Made me sick. Went back to his home and watched the news about the battle of words between Jon Stewart and Mr Cramer. Hmmmmm.

Next day, A+ and I met one of the couples that he has been friends with for a long time for lunch. It was stressful for me, because it was the first meeting, but A+ had been just as nervous the day before when he had come to my grand-daughter's play. Guess that's just part of developing a relationship. I liked his friends, and the food and conversation were both great. After lunch, we headed off for a long walk while they left to return to the new bedroom community where his female friend has just started working. We first wandered through some more stores. I have been unsuccessfully searching for a particular Sesame Street plush toy for my one grand-daughter's birthday. She is three now and loves that one character. Apparently, when my son picks her up from daycare at the end of the work day, the first thing he is required to do when they arrive home is make certain that her show is recorded and ready for her to watch while he starts dinner. We know who's in charge in this family, don't we? I have been searching throughout the city and on-line for that one character, but I haven't found one yet. Just odd.

After that trip we headed off toward his home. I'll tell you the library story when I return from my first work shift in three weeks. I am rather stressed about it for a number of reasons, you see, and am finding it hard to concentrate at the moment. Talk with you in a bit dear diary.

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