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21:11 - 24.11.08
Since I last posted to you, except for four days when the flu made me too sick to move, I've been working dear diary. Adding in family and friends time means I haven't had any time to write. I really needed the time to wrestle the words to the page though, as a good friend has often counselled.

Earworms have been a dominant theme the past few weeks. There has been one song running through my mind. I could identify it, so I found it on youtube just to verify it's existence. Most males should not attempt to sing falsetto though, although that seems to be the style these days to judge from what I hear on the bus/train. However, the Aussies - like Air Supply and the Bee Gees are an exception. At one worksite, the liaison I was working with had an earworm running through his head. To his great frustration he could recall that the group was "The Who", but could only remember the phrase "and I drank..". He tried singing it for me so I could try to guess, but he was shy about his voice, I think. No reason to be. Or maybe he was just worried some of his workmates might object to his serenade. A couple of weeks later, though, I returned to that client's site working with two other liaisons. One seemed to be in his twenties, but he sang along to the classic rock tunes booming through the radio without once missing the words. He had a nice voice too. Strange to hear someone that familiar with the lyrics that were popular before he was born. At work the other day, one of my counters was singing along with the Christmas carols playing throughout the store that was our worksite. His first language is not English and he struggles a bit with some words, but again, not a missed lyric when those carols were playing. He has a wonderful alto voice. Yesterday a whistler took up the carolling - also delightful abilities in a co-worker. I enjoy being sung to by people in my environment. Tells me that they're happy. A+ and his Mom sing a lot too when I visit with them. Hmmmm.I'm very lucky to have such a talented group of people to spend time with these days.

Last visit with A+ and his Mom, we were using the Google Map function to visit the original homes of our forebears before they arrived in Canada. Stories were told as we searched the various countries for signs of the "old home". It really depended on how many people had collaborated on editing those maps whether we could find what we needed though. For example, I only know how to find the Swedish farm my Dad's Mom's family emigrated from by a couple of landmarks. Since those weren't noted on that country's map I couldn't be certain I had located the right place. On the other hand (I have two), I was able to locate more accurately my maternal grandmother's and paternal great great great ...grandfather's birth places because there were old names of towns attached to sites in both Scotland and England - not just the modern form of the place names. Fascinating, but I really don't like the fact that anyone can pull up a photo of my home from Google. Makes me feel terribly invaded. I don't think that degree of detail is necessary, thank you very much. Lord knows I might have underwear out to dry on the clothesline.

As to underwear, I finally had to concede defeat and start wearing pantyhose again. Bleagh - the bane of my existence. However, even with wearing pants instead of skirts the weather has just become too cold to not wear it for those very early morning trips on transit to work. Some of my work days have been spent outside in the cold and freezing wind counting too. Oh yes, we are a hardy bunch in this country. At least until the flu mows one down. My grandchildren have been enjoying it though. They have been spending most weekends sleeping over. Daytime activities have included visiting the park I helped raise funds for, for the purpose of tobogganing. You know, climbing on a slippery piece of plastic or wood, then sliding down a very steep hill as fast as it will take one. Myself, I prefer the new game A+ plus introduced me to - Bookworm. A sort of solitaire form of Scrabble. I've never had anyone cheer or get excited when I've done well in such enterprises, so it was rather startling to find myself showered with kisses for a particularly good use of word tiles. Not that I minded. Then he started quoting appropriate lines from some Shakespearean plays as I used some of those scrabble words to create some short quotes from the master writer. Then he asked me if I wanted to watch a documentary on biblical archaeology and he enjoyed the movie "Shall We Dance" after I had selected it for my viewing pleasure. He even asks me to read his horoscope to him - I'm surrounded with Sagittarians these days - when I read my favourite scopes when I'm visiting his home. I didn't think there was anyone in the world who shares all those same interests/hobbies. It's just too strange and a little much to absorb somedays. I keep wondering when the dream ends. I hope it doesn't. Anyway it is time to try and find sweet dreams now - perchance to dream dreams that knit up the raveled sleve of care - because morning - and work - are due very soon. Good night dear diary.

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