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03:19 - 22.01.08
It has been a real challenge to keep my home warm the past few days. That surprised me, because after all these years living in this city and maintaining my own home, I think of myself as quite skilled in that aspect. Less warm bodies in residence now that most of my sons have started their own families is part of the problem, but also the length of time it has been cold is part of the challenge. It has been below -20 to -30 C - not counting any windchill - for several days now. Record lows for the areas lying just outside the city last night too. It is always easier to maintain warmth than to reheat an entire abode, so even in the middle of the night I was up making certain the inside temperature didn't drop too low. I often think of the Albertans who lived in these parts before there was easy access to electricity and gas services and wonder how they managed in their sod houses and log cabins that had so little insulation by today's standards. I know coal and wood burning stoves/fireplaces inside and tree shelter belts and strategic placement on the landforms, but still a much riskier business for the most part. I do wear more clothing of course, but it is hard for someone who prefers to go barefoot - me - to accept that I really must put socks on. Bleagh and yes I know I'm spoiled. However, it did get cool enough that even our cats started seeking ways to keep their paws warm. I love wood floors, but they don't hold heat the way carpeting does - however they also don't hold cat hair and dust like a magnet, so I chose the wood/tile instead for less allergens present inside the home. Today it warmed up by about 30 degrees, so it actually felt hot by comparison. No more socks - yay!

I just sent off that set of essay questions for the one position that I had been short-listed for as of Friday. Sometimes it feels as though the mostimportant attribute a job applicant needs is the ability to read employers' minds. It would be easier all around if applicants were invited to spend a day in their proposed worksite just observing what really goes on in a regular workday. Despite what some may assume workplaces can vary as much in culture and values as any other sort of organization. Community associations, schools, churches, community services such as hopitals, leisure centres and such as well as specific interest groups all interact based on widely varying hierarchies so too do workplaces.

My youngest had today off - his first day since having that molar pulled, so it was a low key "day of rest" for both of us. Need to get some sleep though since I have errands to run tomorrow. Good night dear diary.

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