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02:57 - 05.10.07
I'm not certain why, but the bus I usually catch was much less crowded this morning than it has been the past few weeks. Meant I even got to sit on the way to the train station. The driver hadn't arrived at my stop any earlier, but all the newer riders were absent. Just the usual crowd from previous cycles present. Much pleasanter ride. The train was less crowded too - magic. Arrived at my son's home to see the two nice males who regularly walk their dog in the parklet scraping the frost off their vehicle's windshield. That time of year. I've already removed my umbrella from my purse - replacing it with winter gloves and my headband. Good thing, since a snow advisory was posted by the evening. It was for the mountain passes and foothills to the south and to the west of here, but weather fronts don't usually pay much attention to weather maps created by humans. Forecast was for up to 25 cm/10 inches of snow. That's since been upgraded to 35 cm of snow. Bless you too! The skiers among us will have a very happy Thanksgiving as a result. For me what matters is the strength and direction of the wind. When it is calm, the weather really doesn't bother me that much. Yes I know - let me repeat that when it is -30 F, eh?

The day was relatively quiet. My grand-daughter was feeling much better and wasn't needing so much direct attention. We've been experimenting with new food - cottage cheese and naan bread today. She enjoyed both and was asking for more at supper time, even after a very full plate of chicken casserole - the stuff in the baby jars - mixed with scented basmati rice. That usually has her feeling quite full. On the way home we were listening to Alice Cooper. She sang along with the Yarbirds - I think the lyrics were "Hey" - snapping her fingers in time to the music. Next up came Robert Plant - Stairway to Heaven. Personally I hate the song, but like the singer. According to my son he is one of her favorite artists. As he crooned she nodded off to sleep. Maybe I should bring some of my Bing Crosby or Chopin lullabies. "Counting Your Blessings" is a great song by which to fall asleep. Maybe Mr Plant could do a remix.

I have to admit a lot of my attention right now is riveted on a number of news stories about a variety of issues. My one friend who does overseas work and I have been emailing back and forth about some of it. She is thinking about joining Facebook after some comments I made about contact with the young people I helped grow up in our community. She played a similar role in her community half a city away and, I think, was enticed with that possibility of keeping in touch with them. Whatever young adults think about the adults in their childhood, the truth is we all want to see them succeed and prosper almost nearly as much as we want our own children to do so. Makes all that extra volunteer effort worthwhile, you see. Emailed back and forth with the one e-friend who sent out that eye-witness report from Burma. I found the text of the message uploaded on iReport on CNN late last night - dated October 2. Didn't recognize the name of the person who had conveyed the information, so maybe it was one of the other people my e-friend had appealed to for help disseminating the information.

Answered the phone survey from the local health region about my experiences this summer with that damaged elbow. What I hate about those surveys is that they are usually constructed to block out any negative comment about systemic problems that are the root cause of most damage to patients, by asking only about specific actions of specific medical staff. The questions tonight were pretty superficial too. 50 ways to ask if the staff had good manners. Were they respectful and polite. Nothing about the lack of resources, the incredibly poor comunication and lack of a comprehensive road map for finding appropriate care in a timely manner. When asked for any additional comments, that survey's length probably tripled as I reamed off all my observations. The surveyor deserved a medal if she actually captured all that information. Hard to know over the phone. No means of sending in a written response either - I asked. Guess I'll just have to write the heads of the health board as well as all those politicians who are about to run for office again. Then there was this article about targetted ads when one is linked up electronically to some communication device. Let it be known, dear diary, that I will boycott any business that dares to interfere in my life like that. I might even encourage other people to do the same.

Talkd with my oldest son off and on the past few days too. He was asking about where he was assigned to vote - not being plugged in to the internet. He also wanted to stock up on some of the books I have in my home. Almost every room has it's own bookshelf or closet or box of books, you see. He had borrowed one of Joseph Campbell's analysis of mythology and wanted more. I reamed off some of my favorites in my collection, so he will be making a trip here to cull some of the ones he wants from the shelves. I mentioned that I was thinking of sorting through and giving away some books. My son snorted when I said that, when offering to let him have first dibs as long as he didn't want any of my "essential libary". He knows me well enough to realize I rarely willingly, although involuntarily do so when lending out to friends, give away any of my books. Most are non-fiction and are difficult to locate or replace. Not that I deliberately choose arcane subjects - such as rectifying an astrology chart - they just seem to choose me. They aren't the kind of books that would be the first scanned into the internet e-books programs either. My son commented that he would leave me a list of the books he took, so I would be able to find them when I wanted to reread or consult them. A lot of the material he expressed interest in was the same as the one nephew who e-mailed me with that list of second-hand books he wanted for his Christmas presents. I suggested that my son get in touch with him to share their perceptions - could lead to a great debate, something they both seem to enjoy.

Time for bed now. I just watched the trailer for that new movie "The Seeker". If the movie is as good as the trailer, it might be worth a visit to a movie theater soon. Right now, since I also just happen to be reading that series to my grand-daughter - "more grandma" - maybe I'll go dream about "the light" instead.

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