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00:44 - 27.08.07
Not a lot to say today dear diary. My youngest worked an extra day covering for someone else. He doesn't seem to mind doing the extra work which indicates he is still enjoying his job. I spent most of the day shifting between housework and working on the computer. I only had to ping the server once - when I first logged on in the morning. That's not too bad given that for a few days it seemed that it was an hourly task.

One of my sisters last week called to say that she and her hubby would be by in a couple of weeks to help me with a couple of tasks that I can't do myself. Pruning the large branches that hang over my neighbour's yard and hauling some of the materials we've already removed from inside the house to the dump. I've been slowly clearing out the kitchen cupboards in the hope that they can be removed and carted off too. The basement is messy, but the trips to the dump will resolve that issue. The kitchen, on the other hand, is just depressing. Doesn't matter what I do it just doesn't look clean, although it is. Twenty eight years of spills and the depredations of little boys/teenagers have taken their toll on that shiny clean appearance favoured for that particular room. I have two pantries that were purchased a couple of years ago to replace the old cupboards and I saved an oak dining room table that can likely be adapted to serve as counter space now. Have to think on that. Some of my guys have already committed to help that day so that the maximum amount of work can be achieved. I want to start winterizing the exterior of the building, but that will depend on whether I have income by then or not. Sigh.

The cats in the meantime seem to feel they need to increase their security patrols of the house. Too many interlopers are encrouching on "their" yard. There is one black squirrel who is so impertinent that he sits on the balcony railing flicking his tail in their faces. Worse yet is when he skims along the fence carrying off the berries from the trees and bushes in the backyard. In addition, another young kitten has joined the clowder of cats that lounge around on our front yard during the day. A handsome young thing - grey with mackerel stripes. Ms Kitty was so incensed that she literally shoved open a window that outweighs her several times just so she could leap outside to give him and Mr Melchizedek's doppleganger - the leader of the pack - a piece of her mind. I had to go out and rescue her from the outside tribe when they took offense at her lecture. Uh huh. When I'm working at the computer there seems to be a constant stream of cats on my lap telling me that I have to come and do something about those new kids on the block. "But Mom, that's my swing at the playground!"

Worked on the one job that is piece work. I haven't actually gone out on an assignment because the elbow issue really took all the energy I had built up over the past year out of me. The last week, with the babysitting and travelling downtown with comfort, convinces me I'm ready to get out and get busy again. Need to get back into working with my yoga tapes too. Number three son is supposed to come by for a visit - and driving lessons with my youngest - tomorrow. Repairing electronic stuff is his area of expertise. Maybe he won't mind taking a look at the beast and seeing if it is salvagable. Played around on Facebook a bit. Haven't heard back from my cousin but she is on vacation. Found a couple of my nephews' account and poked them. They're likely wondering whether they want family viewing their accounts. Too late now. My sons don't mind, so hopefully my nephews will be good sports about it too. A new correspondent added me as a friend which was kind of cool too. I can see why the site might become addictive with all the bells and whistles one can add to one's account. I noticed one of my sons was playing scrabble late into the night with a couple of young ladies. Then he had the nerve to complain about being tired. Uh huh.

In the news the impact of mismanaged developed environments, human carelessness and natural disasters seemed to dominate. Sad stories about weird accidents and scary ones about more cracks in bridges and whole streets and subways. I guess that bringing things to light to be fixed is better than waiting until a disaster happens though.

I have an early start to the day dear diary, so I think I'll sign off for now. I have been recalling dream sequences the past few days, but they all seem tied into the job search and it just stresses me to talk about that. Maybe I'll relay them later when I can interpret them better.

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