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01:52 - 19.05.07
I spent most of my waking hours today working on job hunting again. Part of that was working in the one database where tasks are posted first come first serve. There actually were some jobs available in my area, so maybe one had to get through a certain number of training modules before one could access that listing. The downside is that there are a couple of more modules I will have to complete before I can sign up for anything.

I had intended to work through that tonight, but my youngest came home with a fairly serious dilemma that demanded my time and attention. One of his friends is in a really destructive situation and he wants to rescue them. A natural inclination. However, it appears from the eyes of long experience - mine - that there is a lot more to the story than he is being told. The person isn't in this city so he can't observe the actual circumstances. He trusts the person who is his friend enough to take their word for what is occurring, but my read on the situation is that the problem is much more serious than he or they realizes. Stepping in to help would likely make him the target of the agressor who appears to be really vindictive. One of the reasons I volunteered and lobbied hard to bring family support services into our communities is that I was caught up in conflicts like this a couple of times without realizing that I was being manipulated and used to further the ends of some very destructive people. A couple of Moms on the parent council come to mind immediately. Sociopaths. I had no intention of causing harm to the individuals they targetted, but I didn't have the life experience or training necessary to recognize the behaviour patterns for what they were. My read on things, based on those painful lessons, is that this person has already factored in my son's response to the situation and is almost luring him in - entrapment where he will take the fall for someone else. I don't think it is his friend. I suspect that if he just stays out of the crisis, the one person has created, then the whole issue will collapse in on itself. The real culprit will be exposed at that point and can be dealt with accordingly. Explaining that to my youngest though, was something he didn't want to hear. He wanted me to advise him what legal recourse his friend has, but also wanted validation of his initial plan to insert himself into the situation. The conversation was quite intense to say the least. He is of age and sometimes one needs to let young adults fall on their butts, but this fall might not be one that will be easy to repair - Humpty Dumpty. I explained that in some cases there is no fix and no turning back once a certain course has been set in motion, citing a car accident that costs life and limb as an example. I don't know how to do better by him at this point. I just don't want him to get hurt is all.

News was appalling today with respect to the political scene. Our parliament is so corroded with power struggles that it has come to a grinding halt in terms of being able to govern. The minority ruling party has begun to show it's true colours and they aren't pretty at all. When a Deputy Speaker of the House assaults a duly elected representative in parliament for asking reasonable questions, then we are not far from being embarrassed as a country by the potential for becoming nothing more than a banana republic. As you know, dear diary, they have already turfed many long time civil servants and threatened those remaining with draconian action if they don't do exactly what they are told, when they are told, even when it breaks the laws of the land. Getting rid of expertise and knowledge by termination and intimidation is another sure sign of a very dangerous trend. Then again, this is the political party that has run on the platform that the judicial branch of government be castrated as a check and balance against the excesses of political partisanship. Seems to be a pattern of a concerted will to abuse power emerging. I don't know how it will turn out, but I'm guessing a crisis of confidence will throw the country into election mode before the end of the year. Maybe that is the intent to begin with. Don't know, but it is making me very uneasy. Add in a long weekend with labour strikes all through the country and the mix just feels very volatile. Saturn/Pluto duking it out maybe. I hope that second full moon this month - that "once in a blue moon" - works it's magic on all these conflicts. Can't come up with any other resolutions other than that deus ex machina right now. Maybe I'll just sleep on it instead. Good night, dear diary.

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