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02:00 - 08.02.07
cults 101
I don't have much to say for myself tonight dear diary. The book on anti-gravity is fascinating me. It presents some parts of history in a way to completely re-form ones view of events. Right now the writer is tracing the developments that occurred during WW II. He has analyzed documents from both sides of the conflict. Some of the implications are quite startling. All sorts of questions started to emerge from that background but I think it will take me a while to sift through all the haze. In Junior High I had spent days reading about aspects of that war trying to understand some of the choices made. They made no sense at the time. I don't know if this new information will provide resolution because I was looking at what propelled human behaviour not the technicalities of the fighting. However, seeing the circumstances in a completely different context that was totally unknown to me before might .... well who knows.

My grand-daughter is still quite congested but she had a lot of energy today. Scooted around on her backside playing and singing as she went. There was one new show that is live clowns acting that she was utterly fascinated by. She tried to refuse to sleep and she was famished for most of the day. I'll take that to indicate that she is on the mend. We'll see.

I do want to write more about the way gangs, much like cults, recruit very young people in to their networks. The book "Battle for the Mind", by William Sargant had some really good information about the psychology that cults use. The sad thing is that it is easier to draw in someone of average to high intelligence and it only takes a few days if the conditions the victim is in are right or if they can be induced by the gang. Even though a lot of fronts are used the techniques don't really vary that much. Gangs usually aim for people who are feeling isolated or distressed. We all feel that way sometimes. They appraoch young people in their favorite hangouts and try to become the confidante or mentor of the young person. They try to make them feel as though the only person that really understands and cares for them is the recruiter. They tailor the approach to the nature of the child and the purpose they have planned for that child. For girls it is often to draw them into prostitution while with the boys it has more to do with drugs and illegal arms trade. The things one learns when one volunteers, eh? Always remember to tell your children that no matter how much you might disapprove of or hate their behaviour you will always love them - unconditionally if you are strong enough. On the one program my grand-daughter and I watched today the parent frogs were searching for their eccentric child frog. The dad frog started complaining to mamma frog that the other males were starting to snicker and talk about his parenting behind his back. Mamma snapped back that this wasn't about him. Their concern was about their son and they needed to find him immediately to ensure that he was safe. Words to live by - remember that you are the parent; you are the one who is supposed to act like an adult. I'm really tired right now so I think I'll expand on the methodology when I've had some time to think a little more logically instead of emotionally. Good night dear diary.

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