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01:11 - 23.11.06
The temperature plummeted last night. Waking up to the radio personality announcing "and with the wind chill it feels like -20 C/-4 F". The only consolation, such as it was, is that the cousin in Australia, where ostensibly they are experiencing summer, mentioned that a cold front from the Antarctic had blown in and that they were experiencing snow and icy freezing drizzle. Going from extreme drought and raging wildfires over the country last week, it might almost come as a relief for them I suppose. The upshot was that everything traffic related was moving slowly this morning - including me. I had had a weather migraine again. This one was so severe that at 3 in the am I thought my head was going to explode. By the time the alarm went off, all I wanted to do was roll over and try to sleep. Couldn't do that to my son, so I got up and managed to make my bus since it was running late too. Ditto for the train. I knew I had no chance of catching the regular connector bus, so I climbed on one of the alternate routes I had researched earlier. The driver was off getting coffee so the three passengers - me and two others - sat quietly. I think we were all just being thankful that we had someplace warm to wait in. Even though that bus leaves much later than the other bus I normally take, I was still earlier arriving at my son's home than I would have been if I'd caught the usual connector. The bonus was the kindness the bus driver showed me. I waited until we had reached the major freeway that runs near my son's home before I approached her about where I should get off. She was very pleasant and informative. A lot of the bus drivers at that time of the morning are anything but approachable, so I was really grateful for the positive reaction and the quickness of the service too.

My son seemed really tired and my grand-daughter was as well even though I was told everyone went to bed early. My grand-daughter's bottom was still really sore because of the teething rash and her teeth were obviously bothering her a lot too. She made it clear, after I had changed her and fed her some pablum, that she wanted to go back to sleep - now grandma! I tucked her in, checked my email and watched the end of the program - Kung Fu - I had been watching. Napped until I heard her crying and realized as I tried to stand that that migraine was back full force. Oi! My balance and depth perception were barely adequate and I was having trouble hearing too. Took a second antihistamine and went on with the daily routine. Her bottom was so sore when I took off her messy diaper that she could barely stand to be touched. At one point I picked her up to cuddle her, sans diaper, because I was feeling so sorry for her. You guessed it - she peed all over me. Oh well. After having raised six sons it's almost part of the rite of passage with babies. At least I didn't have to duck.

Put her down and slathered on as much cream as I could manage then took her down to the rec room for her bottle feeding. She scarfed that down then wanted to get down on the rug to play with her toys. Good thing since the migraine was so bad I wasn't able to see almost. I lay on the couch nearby as she played for about half to three quaters of an hour before the antihistamine took the edge off. Darn weather. By that time my grandaughter had travelled over to her bouncy seat and was playing with it. She has already demonstrated that scary - "how does this work" curiosity that can make for interesting parenting. Number three son had it and by the time he could find and wield a screwdriver, every appliance and mechanical device in the house wasn't safe from being totally dismantled in, what seemed like, seconds. Then he would try to put it back together. He usually succeeded, but the original parts weren't always reconnected in the original configuration. Guess I'll have to make certain this little one doesn't witness the power of a screwdriver until she's 18 and working, so she can provide replacements.

I turned around to pick up her bottle at that point. She reached over and managed to pull one of the light ornamental screens her Dad had made for that one movie set down. She was quite pleased with herself, but I was in a bit of a flap. I should know better about leaving a baby around any unsecured items, but I hadn't expected her to be able to reach it, let alone pull it over. Bad grandma. Put it back up and proceeded to change yet another diaper before feeding her. You see, I decided that if I changed her every couple of hours the rash might be lessened. That worked. Fed and gave her another bottle, then followed the same routine only left her without a diaper this time. I figured if her bottom got some decent air-dried time it might help too. She was most pleased with that development and I was too. Her mom arrived about then, so the evening routine took over. Her mom is quite insecure about her own abilities, but tonight at least she was comfortable listening to some of my observations. After all I raised her husband and five brothers and they are all in good shape. I must have done something right over those years. No scary events on the way home was a sign the day had been positive, even if my head didn't want to co-operate eh?

Last night when I arrived home I was greeted with a mailbox full of bills. I have the money coming to me, whenever Elections Canada pays me, but it still really stressed me out to see all the expenses in one place. I haven't spent money on anything other than basics, but all the same the amounts add up too quickly it seems. I consoled myself by watching the new 4 minute clip of the next Harry Potter film, "Order of the Phoenix". It looks quite good actually. I also wondered if the new James Bond movie might be worth watching. It had been a topic at my son's dinner table tonight. The new Bond reminds me of Steve McQueen. Very handsome and talented too it seems. Time to put away supper though, my guys have finished their dinner and then to bed dear diary. Good Night.

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