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01:32 - 26.08.06
Thinking we thought
Happy birthday Mr Connery and belated felicitations to my nephew, his namesakes and Mr Redford too.

I spent a fair amount of time today working in one of the websites I use for research for election assignments. It wasn't for my benefit but for the Returning Officer who I met with yesterday. This current assignment one of the key tasks is the geography/demographics. I sent off the email containing all the information I had culled. Shortly after I had a vision of the local rep opening up the forwarded email. She then altered it soo as to make it appear that it was her own knowledge and work that had created it. Paranoia again maybe. However, I have seen messages that the local rep has taken and reformatted to imply information or direction that wasn't the original intent of the first sender. I guess I should just focus on my own tasks and not worry about what someone else is doing. Eh?

I did get an email from another city asking if I would be interested in taking a job there. Thought about it. I suppose I would if the conditions were right. With this one I think I'll be sending back more questions than responses. For one thing it is a contract position. That eliminates selling my home requiring relocation expenses. What is the cost of living in the city and what is the proposed rate of pay. Those sorts of things. Do I really want to leave my family here? I know that there are people I went to school with living in that city but is that a good enough reaso to shift gears. When would I jump at the chance to move for a job? When it offered a lot of training or experience that hasn't been available so far. When it offered an income that would allow me to preserve home base for my sons yet still live comfortably wherever I am posted. When the job is challenging and makes me feel as though I am making a valuable contribution to society. Something like an archaeological dig in Egypt would be an example, or working in a museum cataloguing long lost records and treasures - please send me to the British Museum or Granada or the Louvre - a castle in Spain; Greek ruins. I had a chance to practice my attempts at learning that language yesterday, but was so intimidated by the gentleman serving us that I didn't even open my mouth. Shame on me! Something of a diplomatic nature that would involve building a struggling country's infrastructure or government as long as the host country asked for the help. Those sorts of things.

Talked with one sister for a while. The one with the brand new pool in her backyard. They didn't realize that they'd need a heater until they tried to use it for the first time. Icommented that a few women suffering hot flashes might be a good substitute. Well my sister thought it was funny. We talked about parenting. She has two teen sons that are making her crazy but their behaviour is exactly on track for their ages. I told her to think of puberty as a short term mental illness. She thought that was funny too. One of her sons appears to be depressed so I suggested full spectrum lights. I think in this part of the world that deficiencies arise because we don't get enough sunlight. The body requires it for many physiological processes and not with an SPF barrier either. With the use of flourescent lighting I think that the damage done to biorhythmic cycles is a large part of what is complicating wellness issues in people.

In astronomy I thought this response to the redesignation of various astral bodies was interesting. It sounds as though the debate might follow the same path that went on in our country in the 1970's when we converted from the imperial system of measurement to the metric system. Bottom line is that despite what it is called, the essence of an object/subject does not change because someone chooses to change its name. An inch or 2.5 centimetres it is still the same size - whatever is being measured. It is true that perceptions of the object can be more easily manipulated by changing the name - for example, garbage man and sanitation engineer evoke quite different responses in the listener even though it is describing the same job, but this theory, agnoiology approaches a definition of the process that occurs on a psychological level by those who choose to manipulate that perception. Makes my head ache to follow some of the many discussions on the topic so I think I'll go sleep on it. Good night dear diary.

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