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02:08 - 23.06.06
Well our weather just isn't letting up. Flooding and road closures - oh my! However, given the constant woes of the people in Indonesia ever since that tsunami two Christmases ago I guess we can count our blessings instead of our trials. Then there was this story for those of us who can't afford to travel there - salmon migration video. It is likely one will get an eyeful of the bears fishing without the risk of becoming a chaser for their main course. That's a bonus.

More scientific analysis of the heavens makes the anatomy of a black hole as clear as - well as clear as a black hole I guess. Coming back down to earth this less than natural disaster in Korea is of great concern too. International incident in the making I think.

Closer to home there is still the issue of privacy and identity theft to deal with as well. Using social networking and purchasing information big brother can just about pinpoint every move one makes now. Passive resistance a la Thoreau might be the best way to deal with that.

I wish someone was auditing what was going on at my bank though. I went to pay for my groceries today and my card was rejected. Funds I had shifted from one account to another were rejected. Checked the donor account and found no problems whatsoever. Called the bank to find out why they hadn't done the transfer even with a more than sufficient balance to cover it. Customer service response? Well we can't help you determine what's going on. I asked why they were called customer service if that isn't what they do. The response was it wasn't part of their job description. Fine. Deal with that tomorrow I guess. Maybe it's another of those "don't take the bait" thangs. Maybe that agent had just been raked over the coals by a previous customer and wasn't disposed to be nice any more.

Also didn't get a response let alone a go ahead from the local rep for Elections Canada to deal with the loss of the office. Can anyone say obstruction? Maybe there's a reason I am not aware of that is slowing things down and I'm not being "baited". The landord left another voice mail and we played telephone tag again. This time his question was "what is the date of the election". Now I've explained to him many times that that is purely at the call of the Prime Minister and that I am not privy to his thoughts. We aren't even supposed to interact with the political parties so that we can be seen as unbiased.

Got a response back from the one old classmate that had sent me that email. He is married with 4 children so maybe my guess that he is writing a book isn't that far off base. Again I go back to that therapy question - "why now?" if that isn't the case. In that one Jarvis Church song the line goes things may not have a reason but they're never "just because". A koan in a song - happens now and then. Other than that I spent the day sending out resumes and looking at other options for earning a living. Maybe the answer to the "why now?" and the song's "never just because" is that the green light for getting back to work has needed a little extra force to get my attention. Who knows.

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