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01:54 - 30.05.06
I was napping when Ms Snowy woke me up. She was deeply distressed because her new toy mouse was shredded. Real tears no less. Apparently the new colour du jour, THE colour for toy mice, is now pink. All her playmates wanted her mouse. Could the Mom person fix it - now. Such a sad cat that I had to get up and apply the special glue that keeps those things useful, at least for a few days. Maybe the reason for the change in the "in" colour had been the actions of Ms Wildfire the day before, when they first received their newest toys. You see, she spent several hours slinking from hiding place to hiding place with the orange mouse firmly between her teeth. She must have found a spot that the other cats still haven't located. Thus the destruction of Ms Snowy's prized possession. Once I gave that pink mouse, neatly repaired, back Ms Snowy made tracks and hid her precious just like her sister had. Uh huh. The root of all suffering is desire/attachment. So says the buddha. Didn't know he preached to cats too.

I spent more of today working on my resume and searching for postings that made me want to rush back to the workplace. Yes well. There are a few, including one that I would consider a dream job. Working in the Arctic on environmental protection. I lack some of the qualifications, so I don't know where an application will take me, but at least I need to try, right? I seemed to need to take breaks from the work and I don't know why. There was almost a pulse or a rhythm that went with the work - like breathing almost. It was very strange and I have no other words for it. Are you breathing the air or is the air breathing you? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

It was actually like that all day - housework and research of different issues. I did follow through on the Amnesty International web censorship campaign but there were a couple of other projects they had that were equally as interesting. This one creates a social network through photos of the signers of the petition that they are promoting. One of the constant barriers to get people involved in work like this is that most people, no matter how much they care, feel helpless and isolated in their oneness. The light a single candle campaign and the image of the darkness being dispelled one small light at a time, was a very good way of showing the power of one. I think this new idea might hold even more strength, as people can actually see each others' faces and know that they aren't alone and that they aren't just a small minority either. There are nearly a million signatures already on this one document. Give it a try if you care.

The one thing that disturbed the harmony of the day was around 3:30 pm. I heard someone try the front door handle, then heard the mailbox lid being opened. Now I had collected the mail that morning, so I knew it wasn't stolen, but this morning's mail was all about my taxes. Property and personal. If someone had stolen those two documents, they would have had enough information to do me great harm at will. It also caused me a period of paranoia. The children being babysat next door are still being allowed to run the neighbourhood unsupervised. They can't get in my backyard now, although I noticed more garbage had been tossed in this afternoon, so now they are using the front yard instead, it appears. I heard them telling the mom who came to pick them up that they had taken enough flowers from my honeysuckle bushes so that everyone could have a fair share. Yes well. In truth I don't really mind if they pull off a few blossoms to suck the sweetness out of the flowers. I did the same walking home from the swimming pool in summers when I was small. Back then we lived in what was considered a rural community, although it has long since been absorbed into the city. At that time it was just a few square miles of homes belonging to burgeoning young families. Some of the properties had been around since the beginning of the century, meaning there were huge old trees and high thick hedges surrounding most homes along the route between our home and the outdoor pool - just by the fire station so we could see the firefighters too, don't you know. A lot of the hedges were of honeysuckle bushes and we would suck the flowers on really hot, sunny days to take the edge off our thirst on that long walk. What bothers me now is that these children aren't just taking a few blossoms as they pass the yard. They are coming right up to the plants against the house and stripping away the flowers, without even thinking about the damage they are doing to the bushes. Again there is this attitude of entitlement to my home and my yard that really bothers me. Don't know what I'm going to do about it. If the mailbox incident hadn't occurred I would have ignored it completely, but I don't know if it is those same children who have been taking the mail. I don't believe that is so. Guess I'll sleep on that.

Seguing to sleep, when Ms Snowy had woken me from my nap I was dreaming about milkmen - or their helpers anyway. A young boy had come by the house with his wagon. He said he had been sent to pick up the milk crate that had been left full of product at the door just that morning. I started to hand it over, but then decided I might need it for a while to do some carrying of cleaning supplies. I asked the boy if I could keep it for a bit if I paid rent for it. He said fine and pocketed the $30 I gave him quite happily. I'm not certain how long a rental that guaranteed me, but I obviously have considerably more money in the dreamtime than in reality. Or is that the butterfly dreaming it a a human? ...........hmmmmmmmmmm. Anyway time for sleep again. I wonder if there is a mirror of Erised (Harry Potter) in that reality somewhere where one can take things across the dimensions and have them materialize wherever one is. That might help financially while I'm waiting for that dream job to materialize too. Well one can dream can't they?

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