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01:04 - 25.05.06
Last thunderstorm it was my spine that flared up, letting me know what was coming. Today there was another barometric spike, but the manifestation of this one was weird - at least for me. The first sign that a storm was pending was spasms in my lungs - deep down in the thorax coughing, bleagh. I could feel some corners clearing out, so maybe that wasn't all bad. I guess one can rationalize that the concentration of pollution intensifies just before the storm blows it away. That triggers the coughing spells to get rid of the extra detritus.

Then there was a restlessness for a few hours that I couldn't explain. Don't really like that, although the sense of the unknown in it's regular sense is something that I don't mind all that much. This was more like feeling anger in the atmosphere without knowing where it comes from or why - a storm of another sort brewing. I had sent a response to the local rep from Ottawa trying to resolve what seems to me a disconnect in communication again about the need for extra hours and the refusal to approve the pay for them. I started by referring to the email in which I had explained all the details that each other reader seemed to think were important but had failed to read in each of four documents that I was required to submit. I had deliberately not changed the text between those documents so there would be no confusion. There were no emotion words in the email just a revisit of the sequence of events - a chronology. The reason I write everything down in detail is because of the mix-ups there have been over the years anytime I have tried to convey information verbally. Then one doesn't even have any back-up proof of what has been conveyed by you either. I could have been guilty of a projection though, because I really don't know of any other source of angst right now.

Around supper, just when my youngest arrived home, there was a "ping" in my chest that hurt quite a bit then a very violent headache. The sky turned black and my youngest allowed that the storm front was even causing his head to ache too. What concerned me was the strength of the pain I was feeling. Remember last storm I actually had to go lie down just before the storm broke. This was a "can't see" migraine instead. I realized at that point that it might be because I hadn't been taking a certain prescription med for the past week. Could be that even though I don't really feel a difference any more that maybe that med just toughens up my immune responses so they aren't so violent. I had been waiting to refill that prescription because I was waiting for my tax refund back first. Didn't think a few days would be an issue. However I decided maybe that was a bad call, given what I was feeling, and asked my youngest if he'd mind coming with me to the drug store to pick it up. I was hoping a brisk walk and some fresh air might also reduce our symptoms. It did and things started to ease off not long after I took that first pill. I don't know if that was a Mars contact or a Saturn one, but I guess I'd better just be a good girl and do as I'm told once in a while, eh?

As for the rest of the day. Housework. Another request for a reference. That isn't part of our job for elections and I don't get paid for the service, but it is my donation to the good karma, random acts of kindness pool. Everyone needs an outside boost from someone once in a while. I know of a few times just such a good word from some acquaintance or neighbour is what ensured I landed a position I wanted. I have always been grateful for those kind words from people I don't even know that well and I try to pass it on, as well as pay it forward. Even if one doesn't reap the benefit directly, somewhere on down the line something good comes of it in the end. We don't own those outcomes either, sometimes our role is just to be a catalyst. Right?

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