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00:37 - 16.05.06
Humour me
I had set aside today to rewrite my resume and start on a more dedicated job search. Good thing. I checked the one site where I posted mine a while back. The company must have instituted a standardized format sometime since. The problem, of course, is that it is set up for full-time permanent workers. Those of us with multiple assignments and a couple of contracts just don't fit the format. It took quite a while to clean up the mess that had been made of my resume when one of their staff transferred my text into the new set up. They had defined my assignments in some very entertaining ways, but also quite misleading ways too. Any employer looking at it would have put me down as either a big liar or as a crazy person. I'll pick door number two, Johnny. Shifting assignments in 3, 6, or 9 months blocks only makes sense if one knows that the person works through an agency. Finished that up and sent out an application just to see if the new system works. Hopefully I can find something that uses my skills without putting me back in the same atmosphere as before.

I had several calls today, so I seemed to be tied up a lot with things that need to be reprioritized now. The first one was from Ottawa. The woman who called was very nice and I appreciated her concern. She had picked up my request for more hours and was trying to help me out there. I was asking if the extra work the local rep had demanded of me was necessary. She said no. I had submitted the three forms they needed and she was happy with that. She pointed out that we were only allowed to submit the specs on one office anyway, which is how I read the original instructions too. She wanted an itemized list of additional tasks I felt I needed to do, but I don't - if you understand me. The tasks the local rep wants are outside the mandate. They shouldn't be undertaken anyway. Oi. The caller wanted the breakdown of hours right then and there, but I was just about to work on my resume. I need to get the cash flow regulated again before I become someone else's pawn in a game where I don't even know what the rules or the goals are. Even better; let's just not play games ok? Some of us are busy with real lives.

When I spoke with number 3 son yesterday, he let me know his new-to-him van was now road-worthy after the mandatory inspection found about $2000 worth of work that needed to be done first. He thinks he will need a couple of more paychecks just to afford the insurance. I think I'll stick to busses, trains and even cabs. They are so much less expensive. However, I did ask him if I could rent the van and his services for a day to haul the next rounds of junk from the house to the landfill. He was pleased with that idea; so maybe in a month or so......... another layer of detritus gone.

It was really hot here today - at least for this part of the world. I checked some international forecasts and we are on a par with Mumbai (Bombay), Hong Kong and Manila and warmer than Osaka and Katmandhu. Go figure. Our high today was somewhere in the 80's F/28 C and is to remain that way until the long weekend coming up - Victoria Day in Canada y'all.

In the news this acknowledgement of the damage done to education funding - finally. It is a country-wide phenomenon that makes no sense given that our economy is now driven by knowledge based industries. The problem is that most legislators have no clue about that fact. They still think we are in the middle of the industrial revolution. Some of our parent councils have been pointing this out for decades. Does that mean that action will be taken to rectify the problem?

Anyway time to surf some more work websites to see if I can scare up some more job leads. Something has got to click sooner or later - right? Personally I'd rather win a lottery and just play at building my new garden while playing with my granddaughter, but I guess being realistic is the adult thing to do - bleagh. Good night dear diary.

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