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00:43 - 20.08.05
I crashed and burned yesterday almost as soon as I got home dear diary. Slept through until about 3 in the am, got up and did a quick change of litter boxes then went back to sleep. Hence no entry. My youngest had come in to wake me around the news hour but I couldn't find enough energy to open my eyes let alone get up. I felt like I did when I had mononucleosis just after the November 2000 election. It took about two months before I could go about a full days routine. Not fun.

I did speak with my sister's sister in law before I conked out. Her astrological chart is almost a mirror image of mine. Me - aquarius sun, pisces moon and sagittarius rising. Her chart is leo sun, virgo moon, sagittarius rising. Rather than being oppositional we tend toward the complementary in our interactions. What one of us misses the other can contribute - most times. Funny thing this summer is that our "home base" feels like it has been under attack. Both of us have had to deal with unexpected damage or repairs and equally unexpected large sume of money to fix same without any access to additional dollars. Made the summer very tense and labour intensive for both of us. We were both surprised at how strongly our emotions were affected since we both tend to be more logic than feeling based. We've both locked our feelings out or up because we needed to do that to cope with what we found life had dealt us the past couple of decades. Don't like emotions - they're too messy by far. I posited that Pluto moving into direct motion in a couple of weeks would release some of the tension. Hopefully not as an explosin though, more of a release or freeing up of some energy would be nice. It helped to talk with omeone going through the same thing as me. Misery loves company, doesn't it?

Today was odd in a lot of ways and it generated a lot of reflection based on insights gained through the conversation I just described but I think I'll write about that tomorrow when I have some time to process it a bit. Besides the cats and my youngest are waiting for the next installment of Harry Potter's story. Apparently book seven is when cats take a prominent role in the story. Ours seem to want to know "what their motivation is" so they can participate. Better make certain they have that background - right? Talk with you soon dear diary. Good night.

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