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00:08 - 22.07.05
Angels Among Us
When I arrived at the bus stop to catch the first bus this morning, there were two of the women whom I`ve travelled and chatted with before waiting. The one in particular is not an early riser. They both approached me together, somewhat hesitantly, and stated that moving away from our community wouldn`t really make much difference in terms of problems with neighbours. I had forgotten how quickly gossip spreads in this community � more like a small town in many ways. They stuck close the entire trip and seemed to want to know what plans I was making for the future. The younger one was asking about the history of the community through the eyes of my volunteer work. She was also wondering why it had been stereotyped the way it was and why the media persisted in the constant put downs when most of the serious crime they report these days come from other areas. I told her about the battles with the city fathers, feeling a bit like a broken record. Funny how often that`s come up lately.

I was explaining how the stereotypes projected on to us were used to withhold resources we had already paid for with our taxes. At that point the other woman chimed in �there is another world, you know, and we should make do with what the good lord gave us�. I bit my tongue, but was tempted to point out that I had been speaking about the actions of government officials abusing their power � none of whom answered to the name �god� even if they did try to play god. Even in her faith, the story of Jesus and the thieves in the temple is taught, as is the story of the widow and the poor box. �Whatsoever ye do to these the least of my bretheren, so you do it to me.� Taking away resources for the community`s children based on the fact they were from poor families or immigrants is not deemed acceptable behaviour. �Suffer (allow) the little children to come unto me.� Not �Suffer the little children. To come unto me.� I can quote random Biblical passages to support any position I choose to take too, as well as parse for grammar. That practice of citing scripture doesn`t absolve one of the responsibility to protect people who are weaker or more vulnerable than you are. Name-calling and blaming people for conditions over which they have no control is worthy of any Pharisee. Cranky, aren`t I? The problem is, though, that it was that kind of rhetoric that often showed up just before a project we volunteers were working on, such as getting enough school books or getting the park landscaped was sabotaged by people saying very similar things. I`ve never really understood that point of view. I guess it`s the same as the people who do things �for your own good� totally disrespecting one`s right to choose. Often using violence as a means to make certain their version of our own good is inflicted on us. Like my grade four teacher who had convinced herself that she was the only one who understood what my best interests were. Yes, humiliation and verbal abuse really are just what every child needs.

That discussion spilled over in to work this morning. Just chit chat. I wasn`t really that focused on the conversations, being still wrapped up in last night's events after I signed off on the post prior to this one. As I pressed the submit button for my post to you last night, an email arrived in my inbox. Deepak Chopra`s mailout. He was announcing the death of his mother on one of the holiest days in the Hindu faith. To add to the luster, the second full moon of the season was occurring in the sign of Cancer. I took it to confirm it was time to deal with one`s greatest fears. Mr Chopra was probably dreading the parting with his mother, but now has nothing left to physically sustain that fear. I`m letting go of old fears I didn`t know I had. Shadow work. The next rare occurrence was from the emergency measures system. Right in the middle of Canadian Idol the warning system cut in and started broadcasting. My first thought was of the London bombings. Not so. It seems we were directly under some tornado like clouds. �Get to your basements�. Actually that doesn`t sound like a bad idea at all. Call me when this is all over

Last note of the day was the nasty letter I received from the person who just quit Elections Canada � the second in command. He was taking me to task for insisting my workers be paid in a timely fashion. Three months is not timely fashion according to or labour laws. Had I not followed through, payment likely would have taken a lot longer. His problem not mine. The people who worked for me deserve to be paid promptly. They don`t waive their rights to protection under the law as Canadians, nor can any level of government order one employee to break the law at the whim of the head of the organization. Whatever.

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