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8:30 PM - 17.01.05
I woke up with one of those dry, wracking coughs that burns all through the chest cavity. Great. I survive three weeks of frigid, bone cracking cold then get sick when it is actually warm. I still am having trouble feeling warm even though the deep freeze broke three days ago. So my theory for the sickness is either a) my body temperature had to rise enough so that the virus could penetrate a membrane or b) the virus was in hibernation cryogenically in my body and has just defrosted enough to attack. Either way it was just lying in wait for the opportune moment. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Not a lot to say - I spent most of the day in a semi-dream, semi-sleep state. At one point I had to ask my youngest if an event I had just witnessed had occurred in the "real" time or in the dream state. Apparently it wasn't in "real" time. Fine. I was dreaming about mathematical formulae - something to do with planetary motion. I also dreamt that my work task became to build or find one of those roller derby things - you know where the kids race down some incredibly steep road to get the prize. Then it switched when I protested I wanted nothing to do with such an enterprise (adult males trying to kill off their competition/off-spring) and I was working with a group of people I really liked on some international issue. That would be a good prophetic dream - one can only hope. There were all sorts of other little vignettes, but I can't recall any at the moment.

I did try reading my new book "The Liquid Light of Sex". The cats objected mightily. I guess they believe that they are much more interesting than anything on paper. Ms Snowball, who goes by the soubriquet Queen of Sheba, sat on the book for a while staring intently at it's pages. In an eerie way it was as though she could absorb the essence of the discussion in that way. And yes I did have a fever too.

The book itself is interesting to me because it focuses on the effects of Saturn, Uranus and Chiron at key turning points in one's life - such as the mid-life crisis. It links the concept of the unintentional raising of the Kundalini with the trauma associated with those passages. I can see how that might work ,since the author posits that our energy fields are interpenetrated with the magnetic or cosmic energy of the planets under consideration most strongly at those times. I did have a problem with the perspective provided with respect to Uranian activity though. The author kept talking about structure and crystalization - those are thing of Saturn, the status quo. Uranian energy is the bolt out of the blue, the essences of the energy fields readjusting or asserting mastery over the mundane and thoughtless patterns of habit we develop over time and lifetimes. It's like a cattle prod or the runner's second wind if one is working with the aspect instead of fighting with it. To speak of it in terms of limitations and restrictions made no sense to me at all. That's like describing the nitrogen cycle which is associated with lightning and which is about seeding new growth or life by trying to make it fit the profile of the oxygen cycles - maintaining what already exists. Both exist concurrently but separately on earth but they are not the same in either process or results. The upside was that there was enough useful information in what I read to seed my dreams and my thoughts with new ways of seeing things.

I'm still feeling yucky though so I think I'm going to go back to bed. Good Night dear diary.

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