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11:40 p.m. - 2004-05-02
"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...." That's what I did today, packed my "desk in a bag" for work tomorrow. In the process, my room and the front hall closet got a bit of cleaning up too. It was the only way I could find things, like a second shoe or glove. I know, gloves shouldn't be necessary this time of year, but snow is forecast fo mid-week. There is also an umbrella and sunglasses in the pack so whatever happens is fine. Pulled together some paperwork that has to go out to various people for the election work too. I can do some of the delivering on my lunch break - get back into walking form without trying. Tried to fax some financial paperwork to Elections Canada as well but their machine is "off the hook". I just wanted to get all the loose ends tied up before I am tied up with issues to do with this contract. On top of everything else another big assignment arrived at my door Friday afternoon. No mention of any hours or payment for doing the work, so I think it's going to have to wait until the election is actually called. I'm really careful to ensure that taxpayers are getting the best value for their dollars, but I deserve to be paid for my time just as much as any other worker does. Enough already.

It was really quite warm today - in the mid 70s F/20's C. However, there was also a very strong wind most of the day. At one point it felt as though it was cutting right through my body and I was really cold. Went out walking anyway. The cats had no more food left and I needed to fill my prescription. The pharmacist gave me about a tenth of what the doctor had prescribed. Trouble with the supplier. Great. They'll call when they have the balance. Went back home and fed our babies. They were quite pleased with life until they realized I had stolen their "bed" from their room in the interim. The ironing board is not my favorite household tool but once in a while I do have to break down and iron my clothes. Trouble was I had two cats leaping up trying to settle on my nice, warm newly pressed work clothes. I guess turning them inside out when I put them in the laundry isn't so dumb after all. At least the cat hair doesn't show. It does itch like crazy though.

Interesting response by David Bowie to the file sharing issue. He has created a contest offering $15,000 worth of music software and the possible offer of a legitimate record deal to the person who creates a "mash-up" of his classic hits with his newest album "Reality". The best song will be released as an MP3 single as well. The software to do the work can be found on Bowie's website along with the rules and free samples of his new album. I showed the article to my guys, but I don't know if they have any interest or not. I know I don't have the inventiveness that is required, but I admire anyone who makes the attempt. It will be interesting to see what comes of the whole idea. Making lemonade from lemons. Ziggy Stardust and all Mr Bowie's morphs are such interesting guys.

Anyway time for bed. Good night dear diary.

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