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12:56 a.m. - 2004-04-22
Short Notes
I'm really tired and I don't feel that well - fever - so this is going to be brief, I think.

I spent most of today preparing material to hand out to the representatives of the five parties known to be fielding candidates in this Electoral district. Maps, stats and logistics plans. Some of the material, in its final state, cannot be provided to the groups until their candidate has been confirmed through a specific nomination process conducted by my office. However, by providing them with my working copies I can ask them for input. That makes for a much better relationship down the road. They should know by my actions that I will give them all the information that I am allowed to offer and that builds trust. I hope. Politics is a very dirty game and there are some who don't want an open and fair system. Too difficult to corrupt. Just do the best one can in the opposite direction I guess. The attendees seemed pleased with what they received and the conversation was very relaxed and interactive. Time of preparation - about 15 hours including e-mails, looking for and booking space as well as material preparation. Time of meeting 1.5 hours. Uh huh. Additional time still needs to be invested writing up and distributing the minutes and responding to questions. Sigh.

E-zine stuff of note. I liked the continued sky watch alerts Skies, planets, moons, rings and hurricanes and Venus too. A report on a blogger conference at Harvard - Bloggercon Conference was pretty interesting too. It was written by Dan Gillmor Gillmor, who has a regular column in the e-zine Silicon_Valley.This Seattle story just made me sad soldiers while this story about two very effective environmental workers, one from Louisiana and one from Ghana, gave me a lift Earth_Day. I think that's all, folks. Good night Gracie.

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