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11:54 p.m. - 2004-04-09
I woke up with a very sore, swollen throat, painful ears and sinus problems. Makes me cranky. One would think with the very limited contact I've had with the outside world the past couple of months that I wouldn't catch anything. No such luck. My oldest son brought the babies over and they, with two uncles in tow, went to the park for several hours. I made up a picnic for them before they left, then focussed my energies on housework. Talked with one Returning Officer who I haven't had much contact with and that was productive. We both work in the same industry and we both have six children. No other similarities though.

Surfing the web-zines was productive today. Found a really interesting travel site - I know, wishful thinking - but it is coming up to summer holidays, at least for some people. I entered several of their contests for trips all over the world - at this point the Y sounds good. Treks. Maybe a trip to central Europe would be in order. This was the information I came across about the land there geoeurope. Ok, so I am a bit strange. China seems to have changed it's position on environmental issues too. This world heritage site is going to be saved from flooding now that the governor of the province in question cancelled the plans in place to build another huge hydroelectric dam. Dam_nation. I was wandering through NASA'a site checking out some of their experiments: this was cool. Fluidity. Then there was this story about how the scientists at the University of Arizona have created a device to calculate the effect an asteroid hitting the earth will have where you live - just in case you want to take evasive action. Bang Next up was a breakthrough discovery about treating the root cause of heart failure rather than the symptoms Calcium. The laugh for the day came from this story about a man in England who steals cars just so he can clean them. Oddity Mad dogs and Englishmen ...... Finally a comprehensive site on Cnadian culture. Yes Virginia we do have one or many, depending on how you look at it Clarity. What I found was almost distracting enough that I forgot the fact that I couldn't breathe. That's entertainment.

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