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12:43 a.m. - 2004-02-20
I terminated my ruminations rather abruptly last night, didn't I dear diary. The phone never stopped ringing it seemed and it was well after midnight when I finished the last call. That was number three son's buddy in Vancouver - the one who he flew to visit in October. We talked again about making choices and "reasonable risk". He wants to join the military and wanted approval. I couldn't do that, but I could affirm that his life was his own to live and choose as he wished. Difficult.

I finished my entry yesterday talking about the four exercise videos I got from Chapters. My AC came over this morning to do her expense claim for the training and mentioned she needed to find some extra activities for her daughters, so they could get enough hours to pass their phys ed component in their home schooling. I mentioned the work out I tried yesterday with one of my new tapes. The series is "bellydance for fitness" and the tape I worked on was hip-drop hip hop. Normally it wouldn't really challenge me much, but my lungs are still not happy so it's the best I can do at the moment. I didn't have any trouble with the hip movements or the isolation exercises for the shoulders and ribs. Snake arms though? One at a time ok, and then the two together when I finally realized that one focuses on the location of the elbows. But then they want you to add in the feet and legs too - everything moving in different directions and using different motions all at the same time. Mr T thought I was wonderfully entertaining. Who says cats can't laugh. He kept wrapping his body around one of my legs as it slipped by him and hung on for the ride. His sisters sat at a respectful distance, but if they had sleeves I would have bet they were laughing up them too. I was telling some of this to my AC, so the upshot is that she took two of the videos home for her daughters to try out. Given my experiences yesterday, I think it will be a month or so before I manage to get up enough speed for Cardio Shimmy or feel slinky enough to try out the Boogie tape - not with the cats for critics.

The rest of the day was spent on the phone. The tech people in Calgary - they have new equipment they want to swap for some I already have. Fine. Calls to three different realty groups, two of whom seem to think they have office space for me and not at the exorbitant prices being asked last year. Cross your fingers dear diary. Confirmed several polling site rentals with the public school board - they have always gone out of their way to help me. Talked with another of the new Returning Officers just reassuring and giving helpful hints and shortcuts. We were supposed to have a support person in the field, but she has been assigned to a electoral project in Indonesia for the next year so we're back to supporting each other. No big deal I guess. Dug out a bunch of paperwork so I can redo some of the work I did in both of the last assignments. Why? I don't know. EC wants all the data rekeyed in a different format. Fine - our taxpayer dollars at work, eh. Called the hospital in my riding to make certain I have their help in sending in teams to help people who are hospitalized vote too - they haven't called back yet, but at least that's in process.

Other than that just time with my guys and time with the e-zines. Another day and another bit of progress I guess. Good night dear diary.

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