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11:32 p.m. - 2004-02-05
Time Space Continuum
Interesting bits in the news today. It has been determined that an enzyme created naturally in the body may be the cause of some forms of Multiple Sclerosis. There was no explanation of what its "normal role in metabolism was or why it would attack the nervous system in only some people - mutation - but the researcher noted that it would be fairly straight forward to create a medication that would block its action. That's encouraging news.

The other story, reported by the Associated Press, was about some very creative - and determined - Cubans. Wanting to escape from their island they converted a 1951 Chevy pick-up truck to a pontoon boat complete with fan for power last year. They were caught and returned to their home. This year they took a 1959 finned Buick, sealed the doors and used the original V8 motor to power it. There is a photo of the seaworthy contraption accompanying the text. Who'd a thunk.

Dreamt about a time fluctuation that had two distinct eras occurring in the same "space". It looked something like the Ghost Dance sequence in the movie "Thunderheart". The first time was the present and it seemed to be located in this community. In this time period there is a small strip mall sitting on the land that is shared with both times. I am first wandering around in a flannel nightie out in my backyard. [Note to diary, I haven't worn my jammies outside the house since I was a small child.] The second slice of time is dissonant in that it incorporates what appears to be ice age - glacier - conditions which are evident in the remains of glacial till left in this part of the city. The other aspect of the dream though had nine extra large elephants caught on an ice floe/berg broken away from the glacier that would have existed millennia ago. The ice floe was floating on a large inland sea - which also is evident geologically as having been located here once upon a time, long long ago.

The scene seemed to be occurring where the current strip mall now sits and I could see both at the same time when I would go walking in the dream. It appeared that I had been made responsible for the care and welfare of the elephants. One died almost as soon as the mirage appeared of injuries suffered when the floe separated from the glacier. As I was working in the garden in my backyard in my nightie, I heard trumpeting from the clutch of elephants. I went running to see what was wrong and the summer conditions in my garden turned to wintry ones, complete with snow drifts, by the time I reached the corner of the main road where I would normally cross to get to the mall. The roadway itself was much wider than in real life and the other side of the street was obscured by blowing snow. At times it seemed solid pavement while at others it felt like I was crossing a river on some sort of water craft. I started to cross running/rowing as fast as possible, not being able to see the traffic/ice because of the white-out conditions, but hearing the roar of an approaching engine - one of a very large vehicle. As I neared the curb I could see a transit bus bearing down on me. I sprinted/rowed as fast as I could, but it still came within inches of mowing me down. I continued on to see what was wrong with the elephants.

There was sort of a cliff aspect to the ice floe and some of that had broken loose and fallen on one of the herd. It appeared that it's left front leg had been broken. It was the one trumpeting in pain, although some of the other elephants had joined in in sympathy. When I examined the leg though, it seemed that it wasn't truly broken, just had a serious cut and a lot of bruising - maybe a sprain. In the other half of the time sequence I could see people walking along the storefronts and cars moving along the roadway going about their usual business. I seemed to be the only person who could see or move between the two. The strangeness of it was finally too much for the sleeping mind to take in and I woke up.

A lot of other dreams too but that I can't recall except that I seemed to be working with a group of people that I don't recognize in a workplace setting. Things seemed to be going well although again time and space seemed to be very slippery aspects with random shifts occurring without any warning. Temporal dissonance. Hmmmmmmm.

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