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11:14 p.m. - 2004-01-12
For the other contract and me, the theme at work has been summed up with elegance in the Sunday Dilbert cartoon. Dilbert. Are we seeing holes in their internet security - not I. However, what about the gaping wounds in their financial and technical security. The most vexing problem is that pleading ignorance of due diligence requirements does not absolve a company of responsibility, any more than it does an individual. Heck, even volunteers are being given major fines for not following the regulations laid down for their endeavours. The fact is that judges usually go easier on the poor souls who have at least made an attempt to follow through. The feedback we both are hearing is either anger or "I don't care".

The train ride home was most entertaining tonight. The car was jammed, so even though I couldn't really reach anything to hang on to, it didn't matter. It was physically impossible to fall. At the next stop, one poor fellow must have not realized that little red lasers at about ankle height are the mechanisms that keep the doors open. The driver finally got tired of waiting and roared out "Hey cowboy, suck in that tummy so the doors can close." Everyone started giggling - commenting on the driver's brand of humour. One hopes the cowboy had a sense of humour too. I had been on my feet the entire day and was really tired. The fellow in front of me had a down filled hood on his coat and I nearly succumbed to just leaning on it and napping. Tempting but not wise.

Walked in the door to find the cats waiting for me. Lately each has insisted on their very own fair share of cuddles - RIGHT NOW. The others wrap their little paws and bodies around my ankles and calves so that walking becomes impossible until they're satisfied. When I go to have my nap, Ms Badger is waiting in her place of honour at the peak of my pillow. Ms Pasha curls up against the small of my back and Master Trinity claims the space up against my tummy. The others drape themselves over one of the others or me. Sweet repose - uh huh. When we read at night, Ms Badger also claims the spot on my lap. She is on her back, all four legs stretched up in the air, her tail covering her belly and chest. Then she falls asleep. How can she do that. The other cats all have their favorite spot to sit and listen too - now if we could only get little humans to follow suit eh?

An e-mail last night asked me for a submission to an on-line newspaper AND offered cash if published. Alright. It was one of the place I sent samples of my writing to about three months ago. A phone message when I walked in the door tonight from the recruitment agancy I started dealing with in the summer. Not the gentleman I'd been talking with, because his duties have been changed, but one of his co-workers. Was I available anytime soon and would I like to consider a contract they had for me. Terrific timing given that my contract in this company is supposed to end on Friday - even though an extension has been hinted at. I'll call back tomorrow of course. Guess my intuition is working well right now. Wonder if it works for lottery numbers. Right. I don't want to lose the opportunity to work with my supervisor if something else is available through him, but I think I've had enough of the shenanigans at this assignment. Walk On. Quoth the Zen Masters. Last bit of news was a travel package complete with airline tickets to Ottawa in the mail. Second week of February - Yes! Although it is minus 30 C/F there right now. Hope it warms up in the next 3 weeks.

Anyway, time to go read again - my youngest and the kittens await. Good night dear diary.

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