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11:42 p.m. - 2003-11-04
Blissed out kittens last night and today. In honour of the season I'm doing my stair climbing to a video of a Pavarotti Christmas concert. Ms. Cheshire Cat was so excited I nearly lost two toes as she danced her way around the stairs. Lucky she didn't know where the catnip was - she would have been levitating. This morning our dominant male, the one and only Trinity (Blueberry) caught our intruder - now one very dead mouse. When I arrived in the kitchen, he was doing the hunter's dance of joy. All the other felines were gathered round him in a circle, Mom looking so proud she could bust, while he demonstrated his hunting style using the deceased as a prop, whirling wildly and truimphantly. I was not in anyone's good books when I removed the little critter from the Jaws of death. However, there have been cases of hanta virus just outside the city and I don't think I could tell the difference between a deer mouse and an ordinary field mouse for certain. I tossed the critter out of the window where maybe one of the city's stray cats might benefit from the meal.

Two work related calls today. A message left by my supervisor at the data management firm, asking if I was available for a mini project. We weren't able to end the telephone tag today, but I hope it's a firm offer. Reza por me, por favor! Next up was a call from the lady taking on a newly created position at Elections Canada - field supervisor. I think that's a good move. There is a huge turnover of Returning Officers after each event. Learning on the job during an election, under the pressures that we face, can be overwhelming. I mentored new officers in this city last election, but they really need someone who can be available to them in the crunch times during an event. The problem for those of us who have some experience under our belts, is that those are also our crunch times. Sometimes we can't even leave our offices because of requirements in the legislation for certain days and certain responsibilities. The two of us talked quite a while and discovered we both have a common interest and experiences in Human Rights work. She's been overseas representing Elections Canada, while I have done volunteer work here through Amnesty International and the Red Cross, among others. She asked if we could meet in a couple of weeks to shoot the breeze for a bit - I think that would be really interesting.

Today human rights came up in the dream forum, as well as an extended discussion of time - what it is or is not. I also received two email notices about the heated debates going on in two of the astrophysics forums I follow: time_travel and Theory. It is hard to convey or transfer concepts between the various discussion groups, because the focus and intent between the three different streams of thought are all somewhat different - one is mechanical, one is philosophical and one is spiritual. It's fascinating that so many people are passionate about sharing their ideas on such a topic though.

In the physics forums, another major topic is the solar flares and astronomical phenomenon occurring at the weekend. There is a full lunar eclipse that will turn the moon red at 6 pm mst eclipse. News of the most powerful solar flare seen yet was posted tonight at this site solar_flare. Synchronously, while those were coming in to my inbox today, a friend e-mailed me to ask about the "Star of David" alignment of planets coming up at the same time as the eclipse that astrologers are discussing. I sent her this description and left it for her to decide what she thought it might mean. Me? I don't know. I think I'll just hope for a clear sky so I can watch. Right now what I want quite frankly is a contract, so I don't have to worry about keeping body and soul together so much, anything else is just gravy. The references to "pictures" are from Dane Rudhyar's "Astrological Mandala".

"There are several astronomical events all happening at once on November 8 and there is a lot of discussion as to what all of them happening together might signify.

First there is a full lunar eclipse that will turn the moon red. It will be visible at our time zone from 6 pm to about 630 pm on the 8th. It will occur in the part of the sky where you find the astrological constellation Taurus at 16 degrees 13 minutes. The picture for this will move between "an old teacher fails to interest their pupils in traditional knowledge" to " a battle between swords and torches". It is generally thought to be an eclipse that asks people about their core values and where they invest their resources - not just monetary ones. There was a lunar eclipse in Taurus last November and when I went back to check my diary, sure enough a lot of very public issues that "hit the fan" then are just coming to resolution right now. The last such eclipse in Taurus was in November of 1984. If you can recall what was going on in your life one year ago and 19 years ago it may give you some idea what the next year will hold for you on an emotional level. A solar eclipse will follow on November 23 at about 3:50 pm at 1 degree 14 minutes Sagittarius. The picture for this is "retired army veterans gather together to awaken old memories" moving to "the wind moving over the ocean's white capped waves". Same question - what were you dealing with on a concrete level one and nineteen years ago? Sagittarius eclipses are about getting rid of old prejudices and creating new systems that include rather than exclude.

The harmonics event is a little more spectacular. There will be two astrological "Grand Trines" occurring at the same time - this happens about once every twenty years. Together, they will form a six pointed star (star of David) in the heavens on November 8 while the eclipse is occurring - and they will linger for a while. The first trine (considered a positive planetary relationship) is of the water (emotional) planets. They are Sun at 15 degrees Scorpio (picture "children playing around five mounds of sand" moving to "a girl's face breaking into a smile), Saturn at 13 degrees Cancer ( picture "one hand slightly flexed, with a very prominent thumb moving to "a Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher") and Mars at 10 degrees Pisces (picture "an aviator flying blindly through dense clouds" to "humans travelling a narrow path, seeking illumination").

The second "Grand Trine" is in the earth signs - the physical or material plane. Jupiter is at 14 degrees Virgo (picture "A family tree" moving to "a fine lace handkerchief - a family heirloom"), Chiron at 14 degrees Capricorn (picture "An ancient bas relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long lost civilization" to "In a hospital, a children's ward is filled with toys".) and the moon at 14 degrees Taurus (picture "On a beach children play, while shellfish grope at the edge of the water" to "a man with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, braves a storm")."

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