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12:56 a.m. - 2003-09-13
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So, the Elections Canada conumdrum got a little more complicated yet again. Got a call today from the Federal Office that looks after appointing Returning Officers. Did I still want the appointment. Yes. Would I please send an updated resume for their records. No problem although Elections Canada itself has one on file - maybe they don't share information.

Also needed is a summary of any partisan political activity I've participated in. "We were told that wasn't allowed once we were appointed." What was wanted was a profile from before that time. "Does that include simple things like dropping campaign flyers in mailboxes for candidates?" Yes.

Now I've always helped local candidates by dropping flyers, but there was no bias with respect to party affiliation. In fact, at the local level where I was most active, there is no party affiliation - everyone runs as an independent. I've always chosen to support one candidate after interviewing all the reasonable contenders for a position. Part civic duty and part exercise program. Worked well. How do you capture that level of involvement for twenty years and why so? More to the point was the time I spent teaching other people how to be effective in expressing their concerns to elected individuals. The only partisanship there was on my part was toward the community.

Before I wrote up my precis, I called one of the other Returning Officers, partly because I wanted to verify a date on a campaign we worked on together and also to get her take on what was going on. If, as the MP's office had told her, our appointment was still in effect why not just ask Elections Canada to send over each persons' resume. They keep a skills database as part of their management strategy. My friend's take was that maybe other positions were being considered. Well that would be fine I guess, hard to say. I don't understand Federal protocols on that aspect of personnel management. Not certain I want to know either. All I really need to know right now is if I am to continue on in this position or not. I don't want to mislead staff who are wanting to verify their employment in the next election. Is it my place to do so or not?

Next up, called one of the women I worked with about four contracts ago. We both have a strong interest in complementary medicine and in indigenous and eastern faith practices. We would often walk together at lunch so that we could spend time sharing what we had learned. It was a great friendship. Once I moved to another assignment we lost touch for a bit. Each of us had some personal challenges to deal with. Spent about an hour catching up on the intervening time. She met my supervisor, A, and my chiropractor last week so she said she was expecting it meant that we would be in touch soon. Apparently, A, was talking with the people I reported to in her department about more work. Hard to know where that will lead, but it would be nice to go back there. There was a lot of work that hadn't been done simply because their budget wouldn't allow it. Left gaping holes in some of their data inventory though. We'll see.

My friend loves cats and has two of her own so we traded "cat tales" for a while. She thinks she'd like to adopt one of our babies - she'd be a great "mom". At the time we were talking, said babies were crawling all over me. Lately they've decided I'm one of them, so they include me when they're grooming. Tonight, one was nuzzling my neck while playing with my ponytail and ribbons. Another baby was nipping an earlobe while another delicately licked my eyes. Two were on my lap - one biting my fingers (teething right?) while the other nibbled on my toes (half lotus position - me). It tickled and hurt at the same time so I was giggling and yelping while I was talking. Good thing I shower often or I'd give the poor things a nervous breakdown. They all stopped and gave sweet little kisses later, as they were playing tag and hide and seek using my body as part of their obstacle course. Good thing my friend is tolerant. Her neighbours and cats were running in and out at the same time so it was rather a disjointed effort at times as she responded to them. Miss Kitty just watched with a bemused air about her. My friend was laughing as she listened to the commotion. Glad I can amuse people.

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