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10:39 p.m. - 2003-07-26
Well,it never fails, does it dear diary. My body finally succumbed to the heat and pollution. First fever for about a day, then the chills. In between,the next round of editing and revisions for the hearing arrive in my inbox at 5 pm Friday. Deadline? Tonight, as early as possible please. Twenty hours worth of work in twenty nine hours. Sleep consisted of three very short naps.

In the meantime, I'm certain I got an early visit from MR Mercury retrograde and my computer seemed to inherit a poltergeist to boot. In fact, at one point, it even rebooted itself in the middle of everything. Lucky I had just saved - or been saved. Don't know, don't care. Had to change keyboards about midway today, just to illustrate how wonky things got. The buttons stuck; the software only partially did as it was told. Executed a command for 60 % of the document, with the rest necessary to do manually, line by line, now at over 100 pages and counting. However, it's done and sent out to everyone for round whatever, in the marathon.

In the newspaper yesterday - two cartoons that kind of captured some of what I've experienced at different workplaces. Dilbert and Off The Mark. Funny. I was tempted to clip them, photocopy and send anonymously to certain workplaces I've been. Made certain I threw away the paper before I could succumb to the temptation. Not even a plea of delirium would count with a couple of the bosses I've had. No sense of humour them - according to psychologists a primary indicator of mental illness.

Got a letter from the young lady who shared my phone at the last assignment. She said she's done next week and is just counting the hours. She said she doesn't think she's cut out for working outside the home. I just e-mailed her back and said that there are a lot of different work cultures and that she would likely find others were a lot more enjoyable. I told her I would write her a proper paper letter later - something that she says she treasures.

Got a photo/postcard from number three son's friend on the left coast. He really wants to specialize in photography. The last two photos that he converted to postcards are very much like Karst's work. I think he's very good. Right now he's taking a course in gemology - tired of the strip club I guess. Not often you'll here a young male say he prefers women with their clothes on.

So I've babbled enough tonight dear diary, I'll have to try and recall the weird dreams I had in my short naps tomorrow, so I can record them, but right now I can't really tell if I'm awake or asleep. Butterflies.

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