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1:35 a.m. - 2003-07-16
Birth Announcement
Checked my bank balance today to see how much money I actually have to work with until I get paid for this new job mid-August. Bad surprise, there was no pay cheque for the last 5 days I was at my last contract. Emailed K at the agency I work for asking her to straighten it out. She had promised that she would extract the last few days from my monthend timesheet and forward it to accounting. They have my phone number and my e-mail address so if there was a problem they could have contacted me so I'm guessing it was just an oversight. Hope they fix it soon.

I get up with number four son at 6 am to see him off to work. I did some work until about 1 pm then had a nap today. I dreamed Miss Kitty had her babies only they looked like miniature lions - some of them. Woke up and worked for about four hours on my new contract adding more fields to the template as requested and adding in new data received this afternoon.

Got a call from my friend D, who has the farm just outside the city - the one where Miss Kitty was born. She wanted to know how our mama to be was doing. She also asked if I wanted to come and spend a day with her at her farm one day soon. You bet. I'd also got a notice from the University of Calgary about a followup workshop to the one held last October about the Kyoto Protocol. It's coming up this October at the univerity in one of our smaller cities about 300 miles south of Calgary. Their university has a reputation for being quite proactive on social issues and I think the discussion could become quite "yeasty". I asked D if she was still interested in going. She had expressed a lot of interest when I'd told her about the discussion from the last workshop. She said she would. So if both our schedules will allow it, I know I'm going to enjoy a good day or so in Lethbridge in the fall. There is quite a large settlement of Japanese-Canadian families there (resettled from the BC coast during WWII) who have created a large and traditional Japanese garden, Maybe we'll have a chance to spend a little time soaking in it's beauty too. Haiku and Zen, too.

I was doing my stair climbing as I was talking with D. Got off the phone and shortly after was visited by Miss Kitty herself. A much slimmer Miss Kitty. She very proudly led me and my youngest son to her nest, purring loudly. Five babies - one still with placenta attached - hidden in our basement storeroom under the boots and coats. Not a very safe place for the wee ones, so we transported all of them up to the spare room. I carried Miss Kitty upstairs while my youngest brought up the drawer with the babies nestled in it. They seem ok all mewing loudly fighting to nurse. Two do kind of look lionish in that their coats are orange with black trim. The other three have a fair amount of black in their coat like their momma but she hadn't finished cleaning them or herself yet, so it's difficult to say what their final colouring will be. They all looked beautiful to me - momma most of all. I don't know exactly what time each kitten was born, I wonder how one would rectify astrological charts for cats? I'll think about that tomorrow.

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